

【作者】 韩艺通

【导师】 侯会;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 杨家将英勇抗击外敌的故事在中国民间广泛流传,至今已有千余年的历史。其中武艺高强、英姿飒爽、与杨门男性同样保家卫国的杨门女将形象,尤其得到民间受众的欢迎。本文以杨家将故事中的杨门女将为研究对象,探讨这一形象群体产生和演变的过程,分析其独特的文学价值及其所反映的思想理念,并就这一群体形象的产生与明代社会的关系,略谈自己的看法。本文分绪论、第一、二、三章、结语五部分。第一章,探讨杨门女将形象的产生和发展过程。以有关杨家将的历史记载为源头,以相关题材的元杂剧、明代小说和清代、近现代地方戏曲等作品为考察范围,从女将群体构成、群体性格特征及其在故事中的地位等方面进行观照。第二章,就佘太君、穆桂英、杨排风等几个具有代表性的女性形象作个案分析,剖析杨门女将形象在明代小说和清代、近现代戏曲中所体现的独特性。佘太君作为老年妇女形象,不但是文武双全、有勇有谋的女统帅,而且表现出慈爱、宽容的人情味。穆桂英则是勇敢善战的女将军,表现出泼辣大胆、直率质朴和敢爱敢恨的性格。杨排风的形象具有下层女子的特点,表现出执著、泼辣、无所畏惧的性格特征,既有刚毅倔强之美,又不失田野乡村的清新和质朴。第三章,探讨杨门女将形象的产生与明代社会环境的关系。明代小说中之所以产生杨门女将形象,与当时内忧外患的政治环境、以忠君思想为主导的舆论环境以及扮演“十二寡妇”的民俗活动密不可分。

【Abstract】 The story of the Yangs’generals fighting against foreign forces has been widespread more than 1,000 years in Chinese history. It is well known by all about the Yangs’female generals. In this article, I will explore the process of generation and evolution of the Yangs’female generals, the unique value of the Yangs’female generals, the relationship between the Yangs’female generals and the ideological and cultural background in the Ming Dynasty.This article include five parts:introduction, the first chapter, the second chapter, the third chapter and the conclusion.In the first chapter, I will explore the process of the Yangs’female generals’generation and evolution. The number, characteristics and status of them are concerned on based on story from the Song Dynasty to modern times.In the second chapter, some representatives, such as She Taijun, Mu Guiying, and Yang Paifeng, are to be analyzed one by one, so as to explain the unique value of them. She Taijun is not only masterful talent of commander, but also kindness, tolerance of old women. As a brave female general, Mu Guiying is daring in thinking and action, also simple and straightforward. Yang Paifeng looks like a civil girl, appears resolute perseverance, fearlessness and, plain character.In the third chapter, I study the relationship between the Yangs’female generals’and the ideological and cultural background in the Ming Dynasty. Unstable political conditions, traditional morality and folk culture (such as dressing a dozen widows) all influenced the Yangs’female generals’generation and main characters.

  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】674

