

【作者】 董静

【导师】 赵春江;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 森林和人类生活息息相关,森林每年为人类生产出大量的木材和多种多样的林副产品,而且森林的生态作用远远超过了它的物质作用。近年来,随着人类活动的影响和全球气候的异常变化,全球森林火灾有加剧的趋势。火灾对森林资源和生态环境的破坏十分严重,研究森林火灾规律与预防扑救方法对减少林火危害、保护生态环境具有重要意义。本文根据房山区目前使用的火险天气预报模型、林火行为预报模型、扑救兵力计算模型和损失评估计算模型,开发了基于WebGIS的位置服务的林火决策系统。实践证明,该系统能够有效预报火险天气、管理林业信息,并且一旦发生火灾,该系统可以提供灵活的扑救方案,有效地提高了林火扑救效率。主要研究内容如下:1、在WebGIS环境中,将位置服务与传统MIS/OA进行无缝集成,建立森林防火空间数据库,整合房山区原有的气象观测系统、电视监控系统及卫星导航系统等硬件资源,建立起基于WcbGIS和位置服务的森林防火决策系系统。2、针对遥感监测数据流量大等传输瓶劲,优化平台运行速度,建立起“森林防火信息管理系统”,在区域防火主管单位的多用户间围绕护林防火决策工作,实现空间信息资源共享,并实现火险天气预报、火点定位、林火扑救、GPS跟踪定位等功能。3、以无线电台为载体建立起消防车辆和手持GPS对讲机的零成本监控系统,从而初步建立起的房山森林防火位置服务(LBS)系统;

【Abstract】 Forest plays an important role in human life, and it also provides people wood and lots of byproducts. The most value of forest for human beings is its ecological effect. In recent years, the amount of global forest fires has been increasing as the result of human activities and exceptional changes of climate. Forest fires lead to loss of forest recourses and destroy the ecological environment, so, the study on laws of forest fire is very important for forest fire prevention and fighting.The part of our work was to develop a decision support system for regional forest fires, basing on the existing models of weather forecasting, behavior prediction, fire-fighting force assignment and property loss evaluation for fire danger in Fangshan District. And the compatibility of all these systems was ensured by our integration of the software and hardware platforms of Fangshan Forestry Bureau. Our decision support system has been functioned for more than half year. It turned out that, this system could effectively forecast the fire weather and manage forest information. In the case of fire alarm, we can also use it to provide flexible and intensive fire dispatches and finally improve the efficiency of fire-fighting. Main contents are as follows:1、In the WebGIS environment, integrate the position service with the traditional MIS/OA seamlessly, establish forest fire prevention Spatial Databases, integrate the existing meteorological observation system, TV monitoring system and a satellite navigation system and other hardware resources in Fangshan District, to establish the platform of forest fire-proof policy which based on the WebGIS and location service.2、In view of the big current capacity of remote monitor data and other transmission bottle vigor, optimize the operating speed of the platform, and establish the " forest fire-proof information management system" , make decision on the fire-proof prevention between the multi-user at the regional fire-proof unit, to realize the spatial information resource sharing, and realize the fire weather forecast、the fire point localization、the forest fire saves goal、the GPS track localization and other functions.3、Establish the fire vehicles which take the Blower as the carrier and grasp the GPS intercom’s zero cost supervisory system, thus establish the initial Fangshan forest fire-proof position service (LBS) system..

【关键词】 林火决策支持地理信息系统
【Key words】 forest fireDSSGIS

