

【作者】 田方

【导师】 王家平;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 “文革”结束后,社会意识形态在某种程度上仍然是“文革”意识形态的延续,文学作为维系意识形态的必要工具,依然在“文革”文学的窠臼下裹足不前,从1977年下半年“改革派”重新回到政治舞台到1978年底的十一届三中全会上“改革派”在政治上全面胜利,这期间“改革派”在意识形态领域向“凡是派”发起了强大的挑战,其中文学起到了重大作用,由于两种意识形态剧烈交锋,一批写真实、暴露“文革”阴暗面的文学作品破土而出,在社会引起了强烈反响,加上此后的文学批评的引导和媒介的大力宣传,成功的将社会舆论引向彻底否定“文革”意识形态的方向,为政治转型,同时也为文艺界的拨乱反正,减轻政治的束缚,做出了贡献。本学位论文共分四部分。第一部分描述了1978年的文学生产状况。通过与1979年文学生产状况的对比可以看出1978年是文学转折的关键一年,而这一年的转折又是与政治转折密切相关的,文学通过推动政治的转折实现了自身的转折。《文汇报》对《伤痕》的操作就是当时的典型案例,通过对这一文学生产行为的具体分析,可以让我们真正回到1978年的文学现场。第二部分是对当时《文汇报》的分析,分析了《文汇报》在政治斗争中的立场和在文学操作方面的具体运作机制。第三部分是对《伤痕》发表过程和改写情况的具体考察,显现了整个运作过程。第四部分展现了《文汇报》如何通过文学批评的方式引导公众去理解《伤痕》,从而成功地将《伤痕》从一朵破土而出的文学“新花”塑造成了坚定批判文革的意识形态符号的运作工程。

【Abstract】 To some extent, social ideology still continues its old form even after the“Literature Revolution”ended. Literature, as the essential tool to maintain ideology, hesitates to move forward since the set pattern of“Literature Revolution”withal existed. From returning to political stage in later 1977 to wholly bearing the palm on the Third Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party at the end of 1978, the“Reforming Clique”violently challenged the“Yes-All Clique”in ideology field with the help of literature. Meanwhile, literature in order to uncover the shadow of the“Literature Revolution”emerged and produced a strong impact on society, which, in addition to the induct of literature comment and the high profile of the media, successfully induced the public opinion to thoroughly negate the“Literature Revolution”ideology, doing great contribution in literature field to political transition and lightening the political fetters as well.This thesis consists four parts. The first part describes the literature production in 1978. 1978 is a crucial year for the literature transition comparing with the year of 1979. However, the transition has a consanguineous relation with political one, through which literature accomplished its own turn. The manipulation of the Wen-Hui News on the“Scar Literature”is a model case. We might return to the 1978 literature locale after we analysis this concrete literature production process. The second part discusses the political position of Wen-Hui News and its mechanism in literature production. The third part focuses on the“Scar Literature”, including its publishing process and the rewriting details. The fourth part unscrambles the Wen-Hui News’s act to lead the public’s opinion with the hand of literature comment, and how the“Scar Literature”became the ideology symbol of criticizing the“Literature Revolution”from a new delicate literature flower.

  • 【分类号】I206.7
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】159

