

【作者】 王冉

【导师】 金滢坤;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 “乐治”是以乐治国的简称,它作为唐朝统治政策的一部分,是目前唐史研究中的盲点和难点。本文探讨的“唐代乐治”是指唐朝统治者运用乐舞为手段,实现等级原则、观念、制度的统称,包括具体的治国策略、机构建制与思想引导。文章主要从以下四方面探讨了乐治在唐朝政治统治中的实际效用,及其与政局变化的紧密联系。首先,唐代的乐治理念继承了《乐记》中乐感人心、教化民众等基本理论,以及利用乐治来完善统治的根本思想。在此基础上,唐朝统治者注重将乐治理念与政治实践相结合,这不仅使其原有理论得到进一步丰富和发展,还使其在治国实践中取得了积极效果。第二,唐代的乐治政策作为乐治理念的实践形式,成为调和各阶层关系的手段之一,无论是明等级、和君臣、还是感化四夷上,都发挥了重要作用。第三,唐代诏敕中的乐制变革,尤其是唐代中后期诏令中,放宽国丧用乐和加强忌日禁乐的内容,体现了唐朝政治局势的变化以及统治者通过多种手段巩固皇权的政治意图。第四,唐代乐舞机构建制的完善,为统治者利用乐人与乐舞机构进行政治活动提供了便利。文宗时期的仙韶院就直接充当了其政治统治的工具,并且卷入了武宗夺位的宫廷斗争中。本文主要针对唐代的乐治政策,以涉乐诏勅为基础,考察了唐代乐治理念的应用与特点,以及乐治政策与唐代政治的关系,揭示了乐治的政治意义,以期深化对唐朝以乐治国政策的认识和研究。

【Abstract】 This article explores the "music governance of the Tang Dynasty" means that the feudal rulers of the Tang dynasty use music and dance as a means to achieve the hierarchy of class privilege and principles,concepts,institutions,organizations collectively to safeguard the interests of rulers with the Confucian ethics as the core content.Its include music ritual,movement,music officials,such as the application of the music,restrictions of the music,and cut off music those specific control measures,and ideological guidance."music governance" as part of the policy of the Tang dynasty rule,not only played a educational function,but also linked with the political situation closely.The article includes the following four aspects.First of all,the Tang Dynasty music governance concept is the theoretical basis of "Yueji"({乐记}).The Tang dynasty rulers focused on the combining between the music governance idea and the political.This not only made the original theory has been further enriched and developed,but also achieved positive results on the practice of governing.Second,the Tang Dynasty music governance policies as a form of practice,is a strategy of governing the country,to reconcile all walks of life to become one of the means of relations,have played a special role.Third,the system changes in the Tang Dynasty,especially in the late Tang Dynasty,reflected the changes in the political situation in the Tang dynasty and the consolidation of imperial power through various means.Fourth,with the development of the institutions of music and dance in the Tang Dynasty,musician and music institutions become the tool for political activities of the Tang emperors.Wen Zong emperor used XianShao music court(仙韶院) as a tool for its political rule,and the musician of the XianShao court(仙韶院) had involved in the the political struggle.This article mainly analyzed music govemance practice in theTang Dynasty,imperial edict-based,analysis of the Tang Dynasty rulers use various means to consolidate the rule of strategy, revealed the political significance of music administration,with a view to deepening the understanding and research of the policy of the feudal empire.

【关键词】 唐代乐治诏敕政策
【Key words】 Tang Dynastymusic governanceimperial edictpolicy
  • 【分类号】K242
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】289

