

【作者】 侯伟

【导师】 酒全森;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 应用数学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文考虑非齐次不可压Boussinesq方程组的如下初边值问题.其中Ω(?)R3为边界光滑的有界开区域,未知向量函数u=u(x,t)表示流体速度,未知函数ρ=ρ(x, t),p = p(x, t),θ=θ(x,t)分别表示密度,压力与温度函数,f=f(x,t)为已知外力向量函数,ρ0u00u0(x),ρ00(x)分别表示初始动量与初始密度,系数μ:=μ(ρ.θ),κ:=κ(ρ,θ), Cv:= Cv(ρ,θ)分别为流体粘性系数,热传导系数和比热容.它们都是关于密度ρ和温度θ的正的函数.本文主要研究问题(*)强解的局部存在唯一性,内容分为如下两部分:1.考虑(*)的一个线性问题,证明了线性问题强解的存在唯一性,并得到了强解的一致估计,且这些估计不依赖于初始密度ρ0的下界.2.在线性问题强解的存在唯一性和一致估计的基础上,根据经典的迭代讨论,从而证明了问题(*)强解的局部存在唯一性.

【Abstract】 In this paper ,We consider the following initial-boundary value problem of homogeneous incompressible Boussinesq equations.whereΩis an open bounded subset of R3 with a smooth boundary.The unknown functions are u = u(x, t),ρ=ρ(x, t),p =ρ(x, t) andθ=θ(x,t).which represent the velocity field, the density, the pressure and the temperature of the flow, respectively. f= f(x,t) is the known external potential.ρ0u00u0(x) is the initial momentum andρ00(x) is the initial density.μ:=μ(ρ.θ),κ:=κ(ρ,θ), Cv:= Cv(ρ,θ) is the viscosity coefficient. heat conductivity coefficient and specific heat at constant volume of the flow, respectively. They are all positive functions ofρandθ.In this paper,we mainly study the local existence and uniqueness of the strong solutions of the problem (*). The contents of the paper include two parts:First , we consider a linearized problem of (*). It is proved that the strong solution of the linearized problem exists uniquely. And it is obtained that the strong solutions satisfy some uniform estimates, which is independent of the lower bound of the initial density.Second, we prove the existence and uniqueness of strong solutions of the problem (*) by applying the classical iteration argument , based on the above uniform estimates.

  • 【分类号】O175.29
  • 【下载频次】53

