

【作者】 周静

【导师】 梁景和;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 群众生活是社会构成的一个重要方面,而大众娱乐生活能从某个层面上反映出社会的面貌。北京作为新中国政治、经济、文化的中心,“十七年”时期北京大众的娱乐生活当之无愧地成为当时全国群众娱乐生活的一个典型,较为全面地反映了群众娱乐生活的大概状况。经历过革命战争的洗礼,沉浸在新中国建立的蓬勃生机中的北京大众娱乐生活,呈现出一系列鲜明的特征。突出表现为,娱乐形式的革新性和延续性并存,反映出群众生活方式的进一步现代化倾向;娱乐内容的积极向上,体现出群众饱满的精神状态;娱乐生活的整体状况和个体真正享受到的娱乐两者之间的相对繁荣性,反映出娱乐生活发展过程的曲折多变;同时,国家意识形态贯穿于娱乐生活的始终,折射出“十七年”鲜明政治性的时代特征。“十七年”的北京大众娱乐生活之所以具有如此复杂的特征,是因为,当时的娱乐生活在活动内容、形式和目的上继承了革命时期的文艺传统,在市场需求上顺应了工农群众的心理特征和文化程度的要求,在发展方向上紧紧围绕国家领导人的文艺思想和国家的文艺政策,在当时的客观环境下受到国内外政治局势的牵制,同时,频繁的政治斗争也给娱乐生活造成了重大影响。从某种程度上来说,群众的娱乐生活与国家政治之间存在着密切的联系。在当前娱乐行业如此繁荣发展的情况之下,考察“十七年”大众的娱乐生活,借此探讨群众娱乐生活与国家政策之间的关系,是具有一定的现实意义的。

【Abstract】 People’s life is one of the important aspects of the structure of society, and the masses’entertainment life can reflect the nature of society to some extent. Beijing, as the political, economical and cultural centre of New China, the entertainment life of Beijing masses of Seventeen-Year period was undoubtedly the representativeness of the whole country’s entertainment life, and it basically showed the general status of the masses’entertainment life. After the revolution and the war, Beijing masses’entertainment life, which was under the influence of New China began to turn on a series of advancing features of the time, such as: coexistence of innovation and continuity of entertainment form, which reflected the further modernization trend of people’s life style; positivity of entertainment’s content, which manifested spiritual status’s satiety of people; comparative prosperity between the whole status of entertainment and the personal entertaining life, which told the twisted and changeable development process of entertainment life and the nation’s ideology running through the whole process of entertainment life, which expressed the contemporary political feature of Seventeen-Year.The forming of complicated features of the entertainment life of Beijing masses of Seventeen-Year period owed to, the entertainment life of that time inherited the tradition of literature of the revolution period in the aspect of the content, form and purpose of activity, met the need of psychological feature and civilization degree of workers and farmers in the aspect of market requirements, and it followed the thought of literature of leaders and the literature policy of the nation, held down by the domestic and international political situation. At the same time, frequent political conflicts also had a bad effect on the entertainment life. To certain degree, entertainment life attached tightly to political life. Considering the prosperous development of entertainment life nowadays, it’s well worth analysing the relationship between people’s entertainment life and the country’s policies by means of the entertainment life of Beijing masses of Seventeen-Year period.

  • 【分类号】G129
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】322

