

【作者】 毛远臻

【导师】 吴伟;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 世界史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪30年代,是一个国际和平环境逐渐恶化、酝酿着新的世界大战的年代。根据国际形势的变化和本国战略利益的定位,这一时期苏联对外政策逐渐转向欧洲集体安全路线。本文主要论述1933-1935年苏联的欧洲集体安全政策形成的背景、实践过程及其影响。全文共分为四章:第一章主要考察了20世纪20年代至30年代初期苏联实施的和平外交战略,通过签订拉巴洛条约和缔结苏法、苏波互不侵犯条约,苏联在与德国、西方关系之间找到了一种平衡,打破了过去只能从德国寻求支持的窘迫局面,使得苏联外交获得了更大的选择余地。第二章主要探讨了苏联的欧洲集体安全政策形成的原因。1933年1月希特勒上台后逐渐形成的反苏政策以及苏德关系的全面恶化,迫使苏联积极调整了同以法国为代表的西方资本主义国家的关系。特别是德国退出裁军大会和国际联盟后,苏法关系进一步密切起来。苏德拉巴洛合作关系的破裂和苏法的日益接近是苏联的欧洲集体安全政策形成的最大诱因。第三章主要分析了苏联的欧洲集体安全政策的内容。1933年末苏联提出了构建欧洲集体安全体系的计划,主张在苏、法同波兰等东欧邻国紧密合作的基础上建立包围和共同遏制德国的互助联盟。1934年1月斯大林在联共(布)第十七次代表大会所做的报告正式确定了苏联对外政策向集体安全路线的转变。第四章主要论述了苏联的欧洲集体安全政策的实践过程及其影响。1934-1935年苏、法围绕东方公约开展了一系列外交努力,由于德、波的拒绝,东方公约以失败告终。此外,1935年苏法仅仅缔结了流于形式的互助条约。1933-1935年苏、法等国没有建立起欧洲集体安全体系,意味着失去了建立这一体系的最好时机。日后,苏联同英、法的分歧和鸿沟日渐增大,它们各自的外交轨道势必与欧洲集体安全之路日行渐远。

【Abstract】 In the 1930s, the international peaceful surroundings was deteriorating gradually and the new World War was emerging. Because of the change of international situations and the orientation of her own strategic interests, the Soviet Union accordingly adopted the policy of collective security in Europe as foreign policy. This thesis will discuss the background in the formation of this collective security policy. The implementary process and influence of collective security policy will be clarified also.There are four chapters.In the first chapter, the thesis reviews the Peace Diplomatic Strategy of Soviet Union from 1920s to 1930s.Because of the Treaty of Rapallo, the Soviet-German Nonaggression Pact, the Soviet-French Nonaggression Pact, the Soviet Union kept the balance between German and Western countries. Thus, the embarrassing situations that asking only German for help was broke up and the Soviet Union could have more diplomatic choices.This second chapter mainly discusses the reasons for the formation of this collective security policy. The anti-Soviet policy after Hitler assuming the reins of German and the deterioration of Soviet-German relationship forced the Soviet Union to adjust the relationships with western countries such as France actively. After German exiting from disarmament congress and league of nations, the Soviet-French relationship became better and better. Therefore, the termination of Rapallo cooperation between German and Soviet, the gradual familiarity between France and Soviet are the primary reasons for the formation of this collective security policy.This third chapter analyzes the content of European collective security. In the end of 1933, the Soviet Union proposed the policy of collective security. The policy suggested Soviet Union establish the mutual defense league against German on the basis of close cooperations between Soviet, France and their eastern european neighboring countries such as Poland. In Jan, 1934, the policy of collective security was confirmed in the Stalin’s report of The 17th congress of The Soviet Communist Party (Bolshevik).The fourth chapter mainly discusses the process and influence of European collective security. From 1934 to 1935, Soviet and France took a lot of diplomatic actions to establish Eastern Pact, but this pace failed finally in the result of rejections from German and Poland. Furthermore, the mutual treaty between Soviet and France was only limited to paper. From 1933 to 1935, Soviet and France didn’t achieve the European collective security system, which means they lost the best opportunity to establish the system. After that, the gaps between the Soviet Union and western countries (Britain and France) increased gradually. Thus, their diplomatic pathways certainly departed from the policy of collective security in Europe.

  • 【分类号】K512.5
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】413

