

【作者】 张站立

【导师】 解小青;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 美术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 两汉时期字体由篆书向隶书过渡,处于古今文字转变的重要时期。两汉石刻上承秦代,下启魏晋,四百余年的文字传承对于汉字与书法的研究具有重要意义。从西汉初至东汉末,石刻由只言片石逐渐发展为具有一定形制、功用的丰碑巨制。一方面这是汉代石刻自身发展的趋势使然,另一方面也是汉代特殊的社会文化滋生了谀墓立碑之风。东汉中后期,统治者注重名节孝道,门生、故吏为其宗师、辟主刊石立碑,成为渴求利禄、赢取名声的重要方式之一。所以从内容上来讲,两汉石刻功德碑占大多数。若从形制来看,又有一小部分摩崖、题字、刻石、石经等等,内容、形制不同,功用目的也不尽相同,因此呈现出不同的书刻风格。由古文字向今文字的转变是一个漫长的演进过程,两汉石刻为后人追寻这种转变提供了珍贵的实物资料。西汉刻石的篆隶杂糅、东汉早期隶书的稚朴率真,桓、灵之际隶书的完善、定型,充分展示了隶书由童年到青年、成年的发展变化过程。本文选取两汉时期的不同石刻,从笔画、形旁、结体、章法等几方面剖析由篆入隶以及隶书发展演变过程中的细节变化。笔画的书写性增强、形旁的组合性变化以及结体左舒右展、章法行紧字疏等是两汉石刻隶书逐渐发展完善的重要规律。两汉石刻隶书除了历时的发展演变之外,载体的差异变化是形成隶书不同风格面貌的又一因素。石刻隶书与同时期的简牍帛书、金文等相比,也可以发现彼此间的关联和影响,各自呈现出特有的书刻特征。本文把时间定位到两汉这一历史时期,取材对象锁定到汉代碑刻文字,试图从汉字与书法的双重角度对两汉石刻隶书的形体变化加以研究。在详尽分析汉碑字样的基础上,一方面探究汉碑兴起的社会文化背景,另一方面剖析汉字发展演变的规律,揭示体现汉隶特征的根本所在,以期对字体与书体的认识展示新的研究视角,同时对隶书的书写实践也具有一定的指导意义。

【Abstract】 Han Dynasty is an important transitional period of character in which seal character transited to Lishu in ancient and modern. By the Han Dynasty stone on the Qin Dynasty, under the Wei, Jin Dynasty, more than 400 years of tradition for Chinese characters and calligraphy for the study of great significance.From the early Western Han Dynasty to the late Eastern Han Dynasty, stone by stone tablets gradually developed into a certain form and function of the giant monument of the system. On the one hand, it resulted of the Han Dynasty stone self-development trend, on the other hand, the Han Dynasty special social culture breeded the wind of singing the praises of somebody through setting a stele. In the late Eastern Han Dynasty, the rulers focused on filial piety, and protege, Guli its master, to be the main stone-built production and become dry for Li Lu, won the reputation of one of the important ways. As for content, Han Dynasty stone inscription benefaction the tablet accounts for great majority. If judging from shape system, a fraction of rubbing a precipice, writing an inscription, carving stone, sutras inscribed on stones and so on. Content and the shape make diversity. Function purpose is also be unable completely identical, which therefore display the different carving style.From ancient text to the modern text is a long evolutionary process, the Han Dynasty stone had provided valuable materials for searching the change of future generations. The Western Han Dynasty stone is Zhuanli miscellaneous Rou, and the undeveloped Lishu in early Eastern Han Dynasty, the spirit of the Lishu perfect stereotypes in H-Ling Dynasty, fully demonstrate the Lishu from childhood to youth, adult development and changes in the process. This paper chooses different stone during the Han Dynasty from the stroke, shape beside the guitar body, the rules, and other areas to analyze the details of Zhuan, page development and evolution of change. Strokes of the writing of enhanced, next to shape the composition of the changes and guitar left-right Shu Chin, the rules will bear the word dredging, and so is the progressive development of the Han Dynasty stone Lishu sound important law.During the Han Dynasty stone Lishu except the diachronic development and evolution, and carrier’s difference changes is another factor in forming the different style and features of Lishu. Stone with the same period, page briefing Du Silk Book, such as compared to Kim Moon, can also be found between the association and impact of their own to show the unique characteristics of the moment.The thesis has time targeted to the Han Dynasty period and has the subjects locked to the Han Dynasty inscriptions text, which is trying to from the dual perspective of the Han Dynasty stone of the physical changes of Chinese characters and calligraphy. In the words of Hanbei detailed analysis, on the one hand, the rise of Inquiry Hanbei social and cultural background, on the other hand, analysis of the development and evolution of Chinese characters, revealed the fundamental characteristics of the host, with a view to the font and display the new understanding of research perspective, the practice of writing, page also has a guiding significance.

  • 【分类号】J292.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】781

