

Chinese-English Translation of Public Signs from the Perspective of Functionalist Theory

【作者】 肖国光

【导师】 封一函;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 公示语作为一种应用文体,它们主要用于向人们传达有用的信息,提出合理化建议和规范人们的行为。从某种意义上讲,公示语汉英翻译质量的提高是改善文化环境的一个重要组成部分。但是,公示语的英译普遍质量不高,未能充分发挥应有的作用。本文的撰写正是立足于此,试从功能主义理论视角,对公示语汉英翻译进行理论和实践方面的探讨。公示语汉英翻译是翻译研究的新领域。依据功能主义理论,在进行公示语汉英翻译的过程中,译者要充分考虑到文本类型、翻译目的和翻译行为等方面的因素。根据功能主义翻译理论对翻译错误的划分,本文从语用、文化、语言和特定文本四个方面分析了目前公示语英译的错误。“目的决定方法”是功能主义理论最为核心的观点之一,即翻译的可接受性和效果决定了翻译策略和方法。本文通过具体实例阐明了公示语汉英翻译的策略和方法。

【Abstract】 Public signs serve as practical texts. They are intended to offer useful information to the public, make reasonable proposals, and regulate people’s behavior. To a certain extent, the improvement of quality of Chinese-English (C-E) translation of public signs could be an important part of our effort in creating a favorable cultural environment. However, the current quality of the C-E translation of public signs is not good enough to efficiently reach the goal. In this situation, this thesis will try to give a theoretical and practical analysis of C-E translation of public signs from the perspective of functionalist translation.C-E translation of public signs is a new field in translation studies. According to the functionalist theory, translators should draw attention to the functional factors in the translation of public signs, including: text type, intention and translating action. The author will analyze pragmatic, cultural, linguistic and text-specific translation errors and suggest some translation strategies based on the functionalist theory. "The end justifies the means", as the core idea of functionalist translation, means that the translation strategies and methods are determined by the acceptability and effectiveness of translation. To summarize, this thesis illustrates the translating strategies and practical methods proposed by the author.


