

Visualization of Controlling Interface for Vacuum System

【作者】 贺成玉

【导师】 干蜀毅;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 流体机械及工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 由各种真空泵、阀门、管道等所组成的真空系统是各种真空设备的核心,作用是提供设备正常工作所需的真空环境。真空设备的工作特性在很大程度上取决于其控制系统。本课题的目的是开发具有良好通用性、图形化的真空设备控制界面,以提高设备的易用性和安全性。这种界面不仅能提供直观、简单的系统组成图像和设备的运行状态参数,还可以通过对图像的简单点击,由系统自动根据相关约束条件,启停相关设备,并在设备出现故障时具备自动报警、保护功能。具有这样一套控制界面的真空设备,不但操作简单、方便,工艺过程各种参数一目了然,人一机交流界面友好,其内在安全性也上了一个档次,提高了设备附加值。论文回顾了真空控制系统的发展历程及目前国内外图形化界面控制系统的发展现状,阐述了开发软件所用Visual C++的优点、性能,重点开发了编辑图形化界面所需的“编辑器”,并通过相应的计算机输入输出模块,将编辑器编辑完成、图形化的真空应用系统与实际控制线路联系起来,以实现设备的图形化界面控制。编写、调试了相关开发程序;选定了图形化控制系统所需的的硬件模块,设计了相关线路;最后以一个实例阐述了所开发的图形化界面控制系统的实现过程及效果。

【Abstract】 Applied vacuum system is commonly composed of various vacuum pumps, valves, and pipelines.It provides the vacuum condition needed. The performance of the system greatly lies on its controlling parts to same extent.The purpose of this paper is to develop an universal and graphic controlling interface. This interface can make the pumping system operation more convenient and safer, for it can not only give machine operators a vivid and simple layout of the pumping system with necessary parameters, but also let them control the system by computer mouse clicking. By certain logical restrictions of the system, operators can start and stop corresponding devices correctly, and if an accident happens, for example, electricity breakdown, the developed controlling system should give an alarm, and then protect the system automatically. The applied pumping system equipped with this controlling interface can be easily and safely manipulated. The process parameters of the system can be also showed clearly on the interface.The paper discusses the evolution of vacuum controlling system and the present development of visual controlling interface for vacuum pumping system, and briefly introduces the characteristics of the software Visual C++, which is used to develop the interface. The emphasis is put on the development of a visual controlling interface for various pumping systems. An editor is developed, in which a desired visual controlling interface for a real pumping system can be edited easily, The key code is programmed and tested. The hardwares needed for realization of the visual control of the applied pumping system are selected, and related electrical circuits are designed. The paper ends with a demonstration of a typical vacuum pumping system to interpret the realization of the control of the system by visual controlling interface.

  • 【分类号】TP273.5
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】83

