

Research on the Establishment of Overall Teaching Quality Management System in Huaibei Vocational and Technical College

【作者】 鲍勇

【导师】 李一;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文根据三年来在合肥工业大学对管理理论的系统学习,结合本人多年工作经验,在翻阅大量资料的基础上,详细分析叙述了淮北职业技术学院成人教育多年办学发展情况,并对其办学效果进行了全方位的综合分析,在肯定学院办学发展的同时,重点剖析了学院办学情况中出现的种种弊端,并结合其办学的“成人”特色,提出了只有建立健全全面的教学质量管理体系,才能真正促进成人高校的办学效益。本文主要从以下几个方面内容展开论述的。第一、二章介绍了学院的办学情况及管理措施等概况,并通过数理统计的方法对学院的办学效果进行了全方位的综合分析。第三章是对学院办学历程的再认识以及对其办学的经验启发,提出了要用科学发展观指导高校成教工作,只有建立健全全面教学质量管理体系才能促进成人高校的办学效益。第四、五、六章详细分析介绍了全面教学质量管理体系的具体内容,并结合运用了反馈控制优化原理、模糊数学方法及层次分析法,通过建立数学模型,定量、定性地对构建全面教学质量管理体系进行了深层次的探讨。由于本人理论知识浅薄,以及本人工作经验的有限,论文中必有不恰当之处,尽请广大同仁批评指正。

【Abstract】 This paper deals with how Huaibei Vocational and Technical College has been managed in the past many years and analyzes the good results of running this university by having obtained a great deal of information and combined my three-year study on management theory in Hefei Industrial University with my working experience. Affirming the achievements of managing this university, I focus my analysis on quite a few drawbacks that arise from its development. I also put forward an idea that only by amplying the overall teaching quality management system can we promote beneficial results of adult higher schools in the light of specific conditions of adult students.In Units 1 and 2 is the introduction to the conditions and management measures of running this college and I also give a comprehensive analysis of the results of the management using mathematics statistics. Unit 3 is about re-understanding, experience and inspiration of managing this college. In this unit I suggest that we should guide the higher schools in the light of scientific development. In Units 5 6 and 7 I give the details of specific measures to practice overall teaching quality management system using the feedback control optimizing principle , obscure mathematics and stratification methods. Meanwhile I discuss further about the establishment of overall teaching quality management by setting up mathematics models and using quantative analysis, qualitative analysis methods. As I have limited theory knowledge and working experience, something incorrect in the paper is welcome to point out and criticize .

  • 【分类号】G724
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】146

