

Construction AHP Safety Comprehensive Evaluation

【作者】 王荣虎

【导师】 关群;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 结构工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 建筑工程施工层次分析法综合评价是目前层次分析法在建筑施工安全领域的一项重要应用。本文通过对工程施工中的重要伤害事故进行事故树分析(以高空坠落事故为例),全面了解了导致事故发生的基本因素,然后通过层次分析法对这些基本因素进行权重计算,得出了它们在事故发生中的相对重要性,最后用数学的方法结合人为主观评价因素而成的一种综合评价方式。建筑工程施工层次分析法安全综合评价充分考虑了人、机、环境的三方面的因素,并结合了主观和客观两方面的评价优点,是一种相对比较全面、有效的评价方法。层次分析法安全综合评价的关键在于确定影响事故发生因素的权重,从而构造判断矩阵,它是建立在对事故进行透彻分析的基础之上。对施工重大伤害事故进行事故树分析,了解整个事故的成因。利用布尔代数对事故树进行简化,做出等效图,使得影响事故发生的根本原因一目了然。影响事故发生的因素有很多,而且有些因素之间有着或多或少的逻辑联系,也有的因素之间还存在着主次关系。在对事故进行事故树分析之后,这些影响事故发生的因素也就分门别类的浮出水面了,其中的相对重要程度也可相应的知道了。经过这样的分析下来,控制事故发生的关键点也就不难看出了。传统的评价模式一般都是做出模糊、笼统的评价,而层次分析法综合评价有着明确的目的性,它针对安全系统中的存在各种因素做出相应精确的分析,结合了人、机械和环境三方面的因素,从而能做出有效、全面的评价。在这个方面是传统的评价方法所不能及的,所以说层次分析法安全综合评价是一种行之有效的评价模式。

【Abstract】 Construction AHP comprehensive evaluation is the Analytic Hierarchy Process in the field of construction safety an important application. Based on the construction of a major injury accident Fault Tree Analysis (high -altitude crash incident as an example), a comprehensive understanding of the cause of the accident, the basic factors, and then through the AHP these basic factors of weight calculation shows that the accident occurred in their relative importance in the final combined with mathematical methods are subjective evaluation factors from the way a comprehensive evaluation. Construction safety AHP comprehensive evaluation takes full account of man, machine and environment of three factors, combined with the subjective and objective evaluation of the merits, is a relatively comprehensive and effective evaluation methods. AHP comprehensive safety evaluation is to determine the key factors affecting the accident occurred weights, thereby judgment matrix structure, which is based on a thorough analysis of the incident on the basis of. Construction of a major injury accident Fault Tree Analysis, understanding the causes of the accident. Using Boolean algebra tree for simplification of the accident and make equivalent map, making impact on the root causes of the accident clearly. The accident affected by many factors, and some factors have a more or less logical links, and some are among factors still exist in sequence. In the incident on Fault Tree Analysis, these factors impact on the accident, the surface will be different categories, the relative importance of which can also be corresponding know. After this analysis down, the key to control of the accident is not hard to see the point. The traditional evaluation models are generally made vague, general evaluation, and comprehensive evaluation AHP has a clear purpose, its security system against the existence of various factors accordingly informed analysis, combining people, machinery and environment three factors, which can be made effective, comprehensive evaluation. In this regard isthetraditional evaluation method can not and, therefore, that AHP comprehensive safety evaluation of the evaluation is a well-established pattern.

  • 【分类号】TU714
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】972

