

The Evaluation of Patent Productivity in Chinese High-tech Industry

【作者】 刘胜龙

【导师】 赵惠芳;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 高技术产业是国民经济发展的“发动机”,发展高技术产业是加快我国新型工业化进程,建设创新型国家的重要任务。高技术产业的发展需要科技创新的有力支撑,但现阶段自主创新能力不强,核心技术的缺乏阻碍了我国高技术产业的发展。专利是自主创新的重要成果,核心专利的数量可以反映出自主创新能力的高低,专利的投入产出效率影响到产业的发展速度。因为专利生产率是代表人均专利授权数的指标,所以通过对其进行评价研究,可以了解我国高技术产业专利产出的现状及其影响因素,发现目前高技术产业自主创新中存在的问题,从而分析原因、提出对策。本文在总结前人评价创新能力指标体系的基础上,设计我国高技术产业专利生产率的评价指标体系。通过灰色系统理论方法的运用,从企业规模、企业性质和地区差异三个角度对专利生产率和它的影响因素之间的关系进行分析,并将高技术产业整体分析与电子及通信设备制造业个案分析结合起来。研究结果表明:直接投入到研发活动的资金对专利产出影响最大,其次是高级人才;中西部地区创新资金投入不足;国有及国有控股企业的创新积极性有待提高等。针对这些问题,文章从完善风险投资机制、提高企业和政府资金的利用效率、培养本国高级人才、吸引海外人才和改善创新环境等角度提出对策与建议。

【Abstract】 High-tech industry is the "engine" of the country’s economy, the development of which is an important task to quicken the process of new pattern industrialization and to construct the innovative country. The development of high-tech industry needs the support of science and technology innovation. Nowadays, the weakness of independent innovation ability and the lack of core technology hinder the development of our high-tech industry. Patent is the important fruit of innovation, and the amount of core patent is responsible for the independent innovation ability. The development of high-tech industry is influenced by the efficiency of patent production. Patent productivity is the ratio between inventive patents owned and R&D personnel. The study on the patent productivity can tell us the situation of patent output and the factors influencing it. Then the problems are exposed and the Countermeasures can be brought forward.The thesis designs the system of evaluation indexes about the patent productivity of high-tech industry based on the index systems that evaluate the capacity of innovation. Through the use of grey theory and method, the thesis studies the relationship between the patent productivity and its influencing factors. The company’ size, company’ ownership and region difference are considered, and the Electronic and Telecommunication Equipment Industry is chosen to be analyzed in comparison with the whole high-tech industry. It is concluded that the funds invested directly to the R&D activities have the greatest influence and the advanced experts in the second place; the enterprises in the middle and west region are lack of the funds to innovate; the State-owned and State-controlled enterprises have not enough enthusiasm; and so on. To solve those problems, the suggestions and Countermeasures are given from the aspects of the improvement of mechanism about the venture investment, the cultivation of advanced experts, and the improvement of the innovation environment.

  • 【分类号】F224;F276.44;G306
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】241

