

The Research and Application of Large Power Assistant Motor Inverter Technic on Electric Factory

【作者】 蒋多晖

【导师】 张崇巍; 唐世蔼;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 电气工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在火电厂中存在大功率辅机电动机耗电高和自动化控制水平低的问题,本文从论述高压变频技术的原理出发,在分析研究国内外高压变频技术在火电行业的应用现状基础上,结合淮南洛河电厂的实际,采用国产高压大功率变频技术,设计洛河发电厂辅机大功率高压电动机进行变频技术改造的应用方案,对循环水泵、凝结水泵等高压电动机应用高压变频技术的应用效果,从可靠性、工艺的改善、经济效益等方面进行了全面分析。并对应用效果进行了全面分析研究,证明了高压变频技术在火力发电企业的大功率辅机电动机应用上,可以有效的降低能耗,提高了机组整个自动化控制水平,在同类型发电机组中有实际应用推广价值。

【Abstract】 High wastage in large power assistant motor system and other autocontrol problems in fire electric factor, the text did a lot of research and analyzingon the task. In this thesis, a new scheme is brought forward to improve the performanceof the power plant system, which apply high voltage large power inverter technic incyclic water pump and clotted water pump. The analysis of the working effect prove the project correctness. The conclusioncan be made that, applying high voltage large power inverter technic in fire electricfactor’s large power assistant motor system can effectively lesson wastage .This scheme can improve the whole set’s control performance and berecommendable to other similar systems.. Duohui Jiang(Electric Engineering)Directed by pro. Congwei Zhang and Shiai Tang

【关键词】 高压变频水泵控制
【Key words】 high voltage inverterwater pumpcontrol system
  • 【分类号】TM921.51
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】233

