

Research on Pi-calculus-Based Software Architecture Refinement

【作者】 李伟

【导师】 李长云;

【作者基本信息】 湖南工业大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着用户对软件产品性能需求的不断增加,软件规模越来越大,复杂性也越来越高。为保证软件质量、提高软件的可靠性,以软件体系结构为设计规范的开发方法越来越受到软件开发人员的关注。软件体系结构成为决定软件质量的主要因素,并发展成为软件工程领域的一个研究热点。然而,在软件开发过程中,从用户需求出发得到的体系结构初始模型的抽象粒度比较大,通常只反映了软件系统的某些主要的功能,很多的非功能属性以及实现细节都需要在逐步的细化过程中被添加到体系结构上,因此体系结构求精显得尤为重要。体系结构求精是一项非常复杂而且困难的工作,不仅仅是简单地给出抽象体系结构的具体体系结构,而是要提供相关的规则和方法,保障体系结构正确求精。具体而言,体系结构求精关注两个方面:(1)体系结构求精方法,即采取何种手段、从哪个角度出发对体系结构求精,使得抽象的体系结构逐步细化为具体的体系结构;(2)体系结构求精规则,用于指导体系结构求精,为体系结构正确求精提供有力支持。本文在D-ADL动态体系结构描述语言的形式框架规约下,提出基于π演算的体系结构求精方法。文章认为体系结构求精的关键在于求精结果应满足抽象系统与具体实现一致的约束。首先,从结构求精、行为求精和属性求精三个方面阐述了体系结构求精的方法、过程和规则;接着利用π演算的行为等价理论和检测工具MWB对该体系结构求精方法和规则进行验证。最后,以机票预定服务系统说明了上述求精方法、过程和规则的有效性。

【Abstract】 Along with the adding of user’s requirement to software systems, the complexity of software systems becomes higher. In order to ensure the reliability of software systems, the developers set out to pay more and more attention to software architecture. Software architecture becomes the key factor of determining the software quality, and then becomes a hot topic in software engineer. But the initial software architecture just only contains some main functions of software, and another non-function attributes and details should be added to it as refinement is coming out, so that software refinement is seemed as a very important task.Architecture refinement is such a complicated and difficult task that only giving the concrete software architecture to abstract software architecture is not enough. It should provide with rules to make sure that the architecture refinement is correct. To be more specific, architecture refinement concerns on two primary aspects. One is the method of architecture refinement. The appropriate method is to be used to get the concrete architecture from the abstract architecture with some approach. The other is the rules of software refinement. They are used to guide architecture refinement, and provide with powerful support for correct architecture refinement.With the description framework of D-ADL, we propose the method of architecture refinement based on pi-calculus. At the same time, we think the key of software refinement is to make sure that the refinement satisfies for the constraints between the abstract system and concrete system. Firstly, it elaborates the refinement method, process and rules from the three sides namely structure, behavior and attribute. Secondly, it uses the behavior equivalence theory and MWB of pi-calculus to verify and detect the architecture refinement. Finally, it explains the validity of the above-mentioned refinement method with an ordering ticket system.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【下载频次】146

