

Research on Rang Deception and Track Deception Against Surveillance and Warning Radar

【作者】 周续力

【导师】 张锡祥; 韩焱;

【作者基本信息】 中北大学 , 信号与信息处理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 搜索警戒雷达的任务是在尽可能大的空域范围内,及早发现空中目标并概略测定其位置,密切监视领空的目标活动情况,并保证在敌机临近防区之前,有充分的时间做好迎击敌机的准备。作为国土防空系统的前沿哨兵,搜索警戒雷达的正常工作与否在一定程度上决定了一个国家是否能够掌握战争的主动权。因此如何有效的干扰对方的搜索警戒雷达使我军在战争中占据主动也成为我军十分关心的问题之一。距离欺骗是目前应用比较广泛的一种有源干扰。它是通过把接收到的雷达信号存储、延迟、转发来实现的。目的是在雷达显示器上显示多个假目标,增加对方雷达的虚警率、或使其信息处理系统饱和,延缓发现真实目标的时间。航迹欺骗是对雷达同时实施距离欺骗和方位欺骗的一种复合干扰。这种欺骗干扰为假目标信号加入了角度信息和速度信息,能够更加逼真的模仿真实目标,因此不易被雷达系统剔出,具有更大的欺骗性。本文首先对搜索警戒雷达的测距、测角原理进行了分析,给出了其战术性能参数,然后对距离欺骗和航迹欺骗实现的基础——射频存储器的工作原理进行了简单介绍并对其工作过程进行了仿真。详细阐述了距离假目标欺骗原理,给出了假目标欺骗的数学模型。在此基础上,结合方位欺骗干扰给出了航迹欺骗的干扰模型,并对其具体形成过程进行了仿真,并将这种方法推广到了对简单雷达组网系统的欺骗。最后对距离假目标欺骗和航迹欺骗的干扰效果进行了分析和仿真,验证了算法的有效性。仿真结果也表明,在允许产生的假目标数量最大范围内,假目标个数越多,对雷达构成的威胁也就越大。

【Abstract】 The task of surveillance and warning radar is to discover the targets as soon as possible, and offer the general space coordinate for tracking radar. The radars should also promise that they make ready for the enemy’s attacking. The fact whether the surveillance and warning radar can work well determines that whether we can have the initiative of the war. Then the problem how to jam the radar effectively is becoming a view of our concern.Rang deception is a commonly used active jamming technique. After the radar signal received by the jammer, it will be stored firstly, and will be delayed some time as needed before being transmitted again. The method can generate many false targets, which will increase the radar’s false alarm time, make its’data fusion system reach saturation point, or delay the time that the true target is found. The track deception is a kind of compound jamming technology that integrates rang false target deception and angle deception. Because more angle and velocity information is added, the jamming technique can work more effectively and it will pose a grave threat to surveillance and warning Radar.Firstly, the methods of ranging and angling ,usually used in the surveillance and warning radar, are described in this paper, and the tactical properties is given. The conception of the DRFM is described also, and the process how it works is simulated simply. The theory of range deception is elaborated, and the mathematical model is built. Then, the track deception jamming is advanced on the base of rang deception and angle deception. The method can be also be used to deceive the net-working radar system. The process that how the tracks are generated is simulated. And the analysis of the jamming effect is given and simulated. To jam the netted radar system using this arithmetic, the system is jammed efficaciously. And the result also shows that the more targets generated in the range of maximum, the better effect achieved.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】TN974
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】449

