

The Vehicle Automatic Management System Based on Long-range RFID Technology

【作者】 胡冬

【导师】 葛根焰;

【作者基本信息】 中北大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 远距离射频识别技术是一项新兴的非接触的自动识别技术,与其它自动识别技术相比,该技术具有识别距离远、速度快以及抗干扰能力强等优点。本文是根据某军事区应用环境需要,为实现科学安全管理要求,利用远距离射频识别技术对车辆自动管理系统进行研究。本课题利用该技术完成车辆信息的自动采集管理,弥补了传统车辆管理的缺陷,加强了部队车辆安全管理,并制定了信息化工作流流程,提高了车辆使用率。本文首先对系统使用的关键技术——中间件技术和工作流管理技术作了较深入的研究。采用COM技术分别对RFID中间件和短消息中间件作了研究,通过远距离射频识别技术和车辆检测技术相结合对RFID中间件进行了研究,用事件探测算法对系统产生的复杂事件进行处理,以减轻多场合程序架构和维护复杂性;通过GSM和CDMA两种通信结合开发短消息中间件,方便派车流程的运转。采用工作流技术实现车辆调度管理业务流程的自动流转,从而提高调度业务处理能力,提高车辆使用率。其次分析系统应用需求,设计了系统总体结构,并阐述了结构的工作流向,将系统分为信息采集层,服务中心层,信息管理层三个层次结构来实现车辆自动管理。最后将整个系统划分为五个模块:门岗监控模块、派车审批工作流管理模块、基础信息管理模块、系统管理模块和综合查询模块,完成了车辆管理系统的数据库设计和软件开发。

【Abstract】 long-range radio frequency identification technology is a new non-contact automatic identification technology, and compared to other automatic identification technology, it has many strongpoints, such as long identified distance, high speed and the ability of anti-advantages.This paper is based on application environment necessary of a military zone, use long-range radio frequency identification technology to do research on the vehicle automatic management system for the safety management and avoiding door jam. This topic uses this technology to complish the automatic collection and management of the vehicles, made up for the deficiencies of the traditional vehicle management, strengthened the safety management of military vehicle, and has formulated the informationization work class flow, improved the efficiency of vehicle utilization.This paper is divided three parts: First, the paper does critical research on middleware and dispatch work flow management technology of the system. The paper uses COM technology to do research for the radio frequency identification middleware and short message middleware respectively, and do research for the radio frequency identification middleware through long-range radio frequency identification technology and vehicle detection technology, deals with the incident using practical detection algorithm in order to reduce the many occasions procedural framework and maintain the complex; The paper also develops short message middleware through both GSM and CDMA communication to facilitate the functioning of vihicle detach process.The paper introduces work flow technology to achieve autamatic move of the vehicle dispatch flow. Second, the paper analyzes the application environment of the system, designs the overall structure of the system, describes the work flow of the structure, and devides the system into information collection layer, the service center layer and information management layer to achieve automatic vehicle management. At last, the paper introduces the database design and software exploitation of the vehicle management system.The whole system is devided into five modules: gates monitoring module, vehicle dispatch approval work flow management modules, basal information management modules, system management module and integrated query module.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】339

