

The Study on the Human Resource Integration in Horizontal M&A of Chinese Clothing Enterprise

【作者】 徐冬梅

【导师】 何筠;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 自从入世后,我国的服装企业面对着严峻的挑战,有很多的外国企业进入中国,凭借着他们先进的技术设备与科学的管理手段,通过品牌竞争策略与我国的服装企业争夺市场。在这样的一种形势下,我国服装企业为了增强竞争力,通过建立大型企业集团,实现规模效应,加速行业的整合,实现资源共享成为了一种必然趋势。而我国的服装行业市场集中度低,存在着过度的竞争,因此横向并购便成为适宜服装企业并购的一种模式。但是许多并购案表明,并购的成功率很低。企业并购失败的原因很多,但并购后的人力资源整合是并购成败的一个非常关键的因素。在此背景下,研究我国服装企业横向并购中的人力资源整合问题,显得尤为必要。本文通过笔者对ZTSL公司与XL公司并购整合的调查分析,以及对其他一些服装企业并购人力资源整合的研究,分析了我国服装企业横向并购人力资源整合存在的企业文化的冲突、关键员工的大量流失、并购面临的裁员以及并购对员工心理和行为的影响等主要问题,在此基础上提出了促进企业文化整合,留住关键员工,作好裁员安置工作,制定有效的沟通策略等对策措施。

【Abstract】 Its clothing enterprise has been facing the stern challenge ever since China joined the WTO. Aiming at scrambling for market via strong brand competition with our clothing industry, many foreign enterprises has poured into our country, which rely on their advanced technical equipment and scientific management. In this situation, resources share will be bound to be achieved in the near future by our clothing enterprises through large enterprise groups, speeding up the professional integration, together with the accomplishment of the scale effect. However, low concentration and excessive competition exist in our clothing industry, thus, horizontal merger and acquisition becomes a suitable model for them. But many M&A cases show that the probability of success is quite small. There are many reasons caused failure, but human resource integration is a very decisive factor which determines whether the merger and acquisition is successful or not. According to this background, it seems to be a necessity to study human resource integration.This paper gives a concrete analysis to the present condition of our country’s clothing industry after the survey of ZTSL corp. and XL corp. as well as the study of other various clothing industries. It analyzes the phenomenon, such as the cultural conflict of human resource integration enterprise, the employee’s running off in a large number, the retrenchment problem of stuff and the influence on employee’s mental state and behavior, etc. It put forward counterplan measures: promoting enterprise cultural integration, reserving the leading employees, making a good retrenchment and drawing up valid communication strategies. etc.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】F272.92
  • 【下载频次】347

