

Study on the Enzyme Activity and Histology of Intestine in Pingxiang Red-transparent Crucian Carp, Carassius Auratus

【作者】 帅细连

【导师】 林刚;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 动物学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究运用常规解剖学、组织学、免疫组织化学及酶学技术,对萍乡红鲫肠道大体形态、组织、细胞及消化酶活性进行了研究。结果表明:萍乡红鲫无胃,肠道紧接在食管之后,整个肠道在腹腔内呈“S”型走向。由前至后依次分前肠、中肠和后肠,前肠起始端膨大,肠管由前向后逐渐变细。体重(Y)随体长(X)变化的回归方程为Y=0.0309X3.0296(R2=0.9531)。肠长比为3.73。各肠段肠壁包括粘膜层、粘膜下层、肌层和浆膜层,肌层分内环行和外纵行两层。粘膜褶的高度和数目由前肠到后肠逐渐降低,前肠、中肠及后肠之间的差异均极显著(P<0.01)。杯状细胞的数目:由前肠向后肠呈逐渐增多的趋势,经统计学分析差异不显著(P>0.05)。肠道粘液细胞可分为Ⅰ型、Ⅱ型、Ⅲ型、Ⅳ型。前肠以Ⅰ型粘液细胞为主,主要呈球形或杯状;中肠以Ⅳ型粘液细胞为主,细胞形态与前肠粘液细胞相似;后肠以Ⅲ型粘液细胞为主,主要呈蝌蚪状。胃泌素细胞和生长抑素细胞形态多样,有柱形、圆形、椭圆形、锥形和细长形等。胃泌素细胞和生长抑素细胞各肠段均有分布,分布密度由前肠往后肠逐渐降低。福林酚试剂法测得不同组织中蛋白酶活性大小顺序为:前肠>中肠>后肠>肝胰脏,肝胰脏蛋白酶活性极显著低于肠道各段(P<0.01),前肠蛋白酶活性极显著高于后肠(P<0.01),显著高于中肠(P<0.05),中肠与后肠的蛋白酶活性没有显著差异(P>0.05)。聚乙烯醇橄榄油乳化液水解法测得不同组织间脂肪酶活性大小顺序为:中肠>肝胰脏>前肠>后肠,不同组织中的脂肪酶活性均没有显著差异(P>0.05)。淀粉—碘显色法测得淀粉酶活性大小在不同组织中的顺序为:肝胰脏>前肠>后肠>中肠,肝胰脏的淀粉酶活性显著高于前肠(P<0.05),极显著高于中肠和后肠(P<0.01),肠道各段淀粉酶活性均没有显著差异(P>0.05)。

【Abstract】 Anatomy,histology,immunohistochemistry of intestine and activities of digestive enzyme of Pingxiang red-transparent crucian carp were studied by the methods of morphology and enzyme kinetics in this paper.The results were as follows:Pingxiang red-transparent crucian carp had no stomach,esophagus was followed by intestine.The intestine travels as the route of "S" in the body cavity.The intestine includes foregut,midgut and postgut.The beginning of the intestine expands, and the diameter of gut was getting thin from foregut to postgut.The regression equation of the weight(Y)and the body length(X)was Y=0.0309X3.0296(R2=0.9531). The ratio of gut length to body length was 3.73.The wall of intestine consists of mucous membrane,submucosa,tunica muscularis and serosa membrane.Tunica muscularis was divided into inner circular muscularis and outer muscularis.The number and the height of tunica mucosa folds decreases gradually from the anterior intestion to the posterior(P<0.01);but the number of goblet cell changes from few to many.The mucous cells in the intestine of Pingxiang red-transparent crucian carp can be classified into 4 types:typeⅠ,typeⅡ,typeⅢ,typeⅣ.The foregut was rich in typeⅠcells,the morphology of the foregut mucous cells were round or goblet;the midgut rich in typeⅣcells,the morphology like that of the foregut;the postgut rich in typeⅢcells,the morphology were main tadpole alike.The morphology of Gastrin cells and Somatostatin cells vary in shape,such as club,round,ellipse,shuttle, pyramid and so on.Gastrin cells and Somatostatin cells occured in the whole intestine and distributed decreases gradually from the anterior intestine to the posterior one. The results on the activities of protease,lipase and amylase in Pingxiang red-transparent crucian carp showed that the activities of protease in the hepatopancreas was significantly lower than that in the intestine(P<0.01),which in the foregut was much significantly higher than that in the postgut(P<0.01),and significantly higher than that in the midgut(P<0.05).There was no significant difference between the midgut and the postgut(P>0.05).The order of protease activities in the intestine was foregut>midgut>postgut.There were no significant differences in the lipase activities among any part of the intestine and the hepatopancreas(P>0.05).The order of lipase activities was midgut>hepatopancreas>foregut>postgut.The amylase activities in the hepatopancreas was significantly higher than those in the intestine(P<0.05),and much significantly higher than that in the midgut and in the postgut(P<0.01),and there was no significant differences among the different part of intestine(P>0.05).The order of amylase activities was hepatopancreas>foregut>postgut>midgut.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】S917.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】147

