

Study on Communication Interface and Underground Substations of the Management System of Distributed Coalmine Underground Personnel and Equipment Safety

【作者】 刘文辉

【导师】 刘晔; 李冬梅;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 电子与通信工程, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 近几年,煤矿重特大事故频繁发生,事故发生后,往往由于缺乏必需的应急救援系统或救援系统不完善、不畅通而延误了最佳救援时机,导致事故范围扩大,伤害程度加重,给企业带来了深重灾难。因此需要制定发生事故时应该采取的紧急措施和应急方法,将事故对人员、财产和环境造成的损失降低至最小程度。建立事故应急救援系统是煤矿有效控制事故的手段,是必要的,也是必须的。本课题主要是研制稳定可靠的煤矿井下人员、设备安全管理及搜救系统。本系统采用国内首创的分布式二级架构有线、无线混合网络,整个系统主要由煤矿地面的监控主机、通讯接口和井下的监控分站、无线信号收发传感器、信号发送器等构成,信号收发传感器可以覆盖井下任意地方,从而可以实现对人员或设备进行精确定位。当下井人员进入井下以后,只要通过或接近井下的任何一个信号收发器,信号收发器即会马上感应到信号同时立即上传到控制中心的监控主机上,计算机马上就可判断出具体信息,同时把它显示在控制中心的大屏幕或电脑显示屏上并将数据存盘,系统还可以通过网络布线和地面控制中心的计算机联网。

【Abstract】 In recent years, greatly heavy coalmine accidents have frequently occurred. After the accident, we delayed the best time for rescue often due to the lack of necessary emergency rescue system or the rescue system that is imperfect and smooth, which leads to the scope of the accident expanded and the extent of injuries increased and brings great disaster to the enterprise. Hence, in order to reduce the losses to the minimum on the staff, property and environment caused by the accidents, it is necessary for us to take emergency measures and contingency approaches. It is necessary and essential to establish an emergency rescue system to control the coal mine accidents effectively.The main task of this dissertation is to develop a stable and reliable system, which applies to personnel, equipment management and search and rescue under the coal mine. The system first uses wire and wireless hybrid network with architecture of distribution and two levels domestic, including control console in the ground, communications interface, underground monitoring substations, wireless signal receive-transmitted sensors and signal transmitter. The signal receive-transmitted sensors can cover any place of the underground, so we can accurately locate the position of the staff or the equipment. When the worker enters the underground mine and just passes or closes with any signal transceivers, the transceivers will immediately know and upload to the monitoring console in the control center as soon as possible. At the same time, the computer can immediately determine specific information, which shows with the big screen in the control center or in the computer, then stores the data. The system can also be linked to the computer in the control center of the ground through network cabling.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】TD79;TP273
  • 【下载频次】188

