

The Application Study of Data Warehouse Technique in the Police Office of Jiangxi Province Complex Information Analysis

【作者】 徐珊

【导师】 万国金; 汪东平;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 电子与通信工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 我国公安机关担负着打击犯罪、维护治安、管理服务社会等多方面的任务,公安信息化涉及面广、业务复杂、数据量巨大,特别是随着“金盾工程”的全面实施,公安工作信息化建设得到了飞速的发展,由此而产生了大量的公安业务数据。采用数据仓库技术,建设一个综合的、历史的、面向决策支持的公安业务综合信息分析系统,满足数据查询、分析和数据挖掘的需求,已成为公安业务信息化的一个重要环节。本文首先从决策支持和数据仓库的概念入手,分别介绍了决策支持和数据仓库的概念、数据仓库ETL过程、联机分析处理相关概念和方法、数据挖掘技术以及现有数据仓库解决方案,重点研究了基于数据仓库技术的公安综合信息分析系统的设计与实现方法。本系统选取CCIC全国犯罪信息数据库中的“在逃人员历史库”等五个业务数据库作为研究对象,采用IBM的整套商业智能解决方案(数据仓库采用DB2 UDB DATAWAREHOUSE STANDARD EDITION,olap数据库采用DB2OLAP SERVER STANDARD EDITION,前端展现工具采用Hyperion)。在设计实现部分,本文重点阐述了数据仓库系统的安装配置过程、数据抽取、转换和装载的实现过程、多维模型建立过程、前端分析工具的使用过程。在本文的最后还列举了应用此系统得到的一些相关分析结果以及系统后期的发展方向。本文为充分利用现有公安信息资源,深入挖掘目前已建成的应用数据库的信息,获得深层次的、有价值的增值信息探索出一条可行之路。本文的研究成果对今后公安系统的数据仓库建设和数据挖掘技术的应用具有一定的指导意义。

【Abstract】 The Chinese police departments shoulder the tasks of combating criminal ofences, maintaining social order, administrating and providing services to the society. The police informatization covers wide areas,complicated operations and huge quantities of data. It has become a key link in the informatization of the police work to apply the technology of data warehouse and set up an analyzing system of comprehensive information of police work that may satisfy the requirements in data inquiry, analysis and data mining.This paper starts from the concepts of decision-making support and data warehouse, and introduces respectively the concepts of decision-making support and data warehouse, the ETL process of the data warehouse, the related concepts and methods of on-line analyzing process, data mining technology and the scheme of resolving the existing databases. In its demand analysis;this paper introduces the scope of the research topic,the technical methods the system has adopted, the means of research and the concrete themes for analysis. In the realization of the design, this paper expands mainly on the process of installation and configuration of the data warehouse system, the process of realizing data extraction, conversion and loading, the process of building a multi-dimensional model and the process of using front-end analytical tools. Listed at the end of this paper are some related analytical results obtained by applying this system and the direction of development of this system at a later stage.The thesis has found an in-depth, practical way to valuable-added information exploration by means of having made full use of present information resources and explored the founded information of application data. The research results will, to some extent, be instructive to the future batebice establishment of the police system and the application of data- advancement techonology.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】TP311.13
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】239

