

Evaluation of Genetic Diversity among Several Duck Breeds by Using Microsatellites

【作者】 柯柳玉

【导师】 肖天放;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 动物遗传育种与繁殖, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文利用微卫星标记技术,分析了7个鸭品种(金定鸭、连城白鸭、莆田黑鸭、山麻鸭、北京鸭、番鸭和卡基康贝尔鸭)在32个微卫星基因座上的遗传多样性。根据等位基因频率、多态信息含量、杂合度、有效等位基因数、遗传距离和聚类结果,评估各品种内的遗传变异和品种间的遗传关系。结果表明如下:1.7个鸭品种在32个微卫星基因座中共检测到371个等位基因,平均每个基因座有11.7188个等位基因。有8个共享等位基因,每个群体都有其特有的等位基因,每个基因座都有其优势等位基因。2.32个微卫星基因座在7个鸭品种中的平均多态信息含量为0.5224,其中微卫星CAUD070的多态信息含量最高(0.8159)。各位点的有效等位基因数在5.1410-6.96116之间,其中卡基康贝尔的平均有效等位基因数最少(5.1410),北京鸭的平均有效等位基因数最多(6.9611)。7个群体的基因杂合度变化范围在0.5115-0.7000之间,杂合度较高。3.哈代-温伯平衡检验结果表明,只有个别位点的在个别品种中处于平衡状态,如北京鸭中的APH13和CAUD045、金定鸭中的CAUD004和APH13等,其它位点都处于不平衡状态。造成不平衡的原因很多,主要原因是非等位基因之间遗传共适应的差异以及位点间的连锁等,包括采样误差,以及群体本身确实处于濒危状态,基因位点不平衡。4.F-统计量分析表明:各微卫星基因座FST的变化范围从基因座CAUD037的0.0381到基因座APL82的0.6277,平均值为0.2888。各基因座的Nm的变化范围从基因座APL83的0.3598到CAUD070的2.5919,平均值为0.6156。5.用Popgene32软件分别计算7个鸭群体之间的Nei氏标准遗传距离DS和DA遗传距离,并用该软件对其进行聚类,结果表明,连城白鸭与莆田黑鸭的遗传距离最近。用DA和DS遗传距离将7个群体分为3类,其中福建地方特色品种金定鸭、莆田黑鸭、连城白鸭、山麻鸭与卡基康贝尔鸭聚为一类,而北京鸭聚为一类,番鸭也聚为一类,其中北京鸭和福建的4个地方品种又聚为独立于番鸭的一类。所得聚类图与种群的真实关系较为符合。6.本研究结果可为进一步开展福建省地方鸭品种的审定、保护及开发利用提供科学的依据。

【Abstract】 The genetic diversity of 32 microsatellite loci were analyzed with the microsatellite marker technology in(?)veral duck breeds(Jinding Duck,Liancheng white Duck,Putian black Duck and Shanma Duck, Peking Duck,Muscovy,Kangbeier Duck).By means of the allele frequencies,polymorphism information content(PIC),heteroygosity(H),effective number of alleles,genetic distance and results of dendrogram, the genetic variability and population structure in duck breeds were estimated.The results were as follows:1.For the 32 microsatellite loci examined,the total number of alleles was 371 in 7 breeds,and the mean allelic number of per locus was 11.7188.8 alleles were owned in every breed,every population has its own alleles and every locus has the dominant allele.2.The mean PIC of 32 microsatellite loci in 7 indigenous duck breeds was 0.5224.Mean PIC of CAUD070 was the highest(0.8159),some loci display singlet state in some breeds.The average efficient allelic number was between 5.1410 and 6.9611,mean efficient allelic number of Kangbeier Duck was lowest(5.1410)and that of Peking Duck was highest(6.9611).The mean heterozygosisty was from 0.5115 to 0.7000,which showed that the seven breeds had higher heterozygosisty.3.The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium analysis revealed that there only little loci were equilibrium,such as APH13 and CAUD045 in Peking Duck,remarkable genetic disequilibrium was showed at most of the lo(?)7 duck breeds.4.The F-statistic analysis indicated that the FSTof different locus varied from 0.0381(inCAUD037)to 0.6277(in APL82),and the average was 0.2888,The Nm was from 0.3259(in APL83)to 2.5919 (inCAUD070),the mean was0.6156.5.The Nei’s standard genetic distance DS and DA genetic distance among the seven duck breeds were estimated with the Popgene32 software.The dendrograms were drawed with upper two genetic distances.The reaults showed that the genetic distance between Liancheng white duck and Putian black duck was the closest,and that between Liancheng white duck and Muscovy was the most distant among all breeds.7 indigenous duck breeds were clustered into 3 groups based on the results of dendrogram.In the demdrogram,the first group included the four Fujian indigenous duck breeds (Liancheng white duck,Putian black duck,Jinding duck,hanma duck and Kangbeier duck);the second group included Peking duck;the third group included Muscovy.The reaults showed that the dendrogram of DA and DS genetic distance was similar with the real relation of 7 duck breeds.6.The results would be offered some reference for studying Fujian indigenous duck breeds resources.

【关键词】 微卫星标记遗传多样性
【Key words】 duckmicrosatellite markergenetic diversity
  • 【分类号】S834
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】100

