

Study on the Ecosystem Characteristic and the Resistance of Five Bamboos in Coastal Sandy Area

【作者】 高楠

【导师】 郑郁善;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 生态学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对沿海沙地青皮竹(Bambusa.textilis)、大叶龙竹(Dendrocalamus giganteus)、黄金间碧玉(Bambusa vulgarix cv.Vittata)、凤尾竹(Bambusa multiplex cv.Fernleaf)、观音竹(Bambusa multiplexvar.riviereorum)五种竹林生态系统的生态系统特性的进行了研究,研究内容包括竹林生态系统的生物量结构、水文动态、养分特征及养分循环等内容。同时,本文还研究了青皮竹、凤尾竹、观音竹3个竹种的抗盐、抗旱机理问题。这些研究结果为在沿海沙地引种竹子提供了科学的理论依据,主要结论如下:(1)引种的竹子体内含水率较高,5种竹子各器官含水率均随竹龄的增大而减小,这可能是因为新竹还处于不稳定状况,新竹木质化程度直接影响新老竹子各器官的含水率。地上部分各器官平均含水率竹秆、竹枝较大,竹叶最小:地下部分各器官含水率则是竹蔸>竹根。(2)1年生竹子单株总生物量均随竹高的升高而呈现逐渐下降的变化趋势,而2年竹子单株总生物量除凤尾竹外均随竹高的升高而呈现出先增加而后又逐渐下降的变化趋势。各竹子不同器官生物量随年龄的增大有较大幅度的提高。各林分不同器官生物量分配,地上部分均为竹秆>竹枝>竹叶,地下部分为竹蔸>竹根。林分群落现存生物量以青皮竹为最大,总计为44.94 t·hm-2,黄金间碧玉最小,只有11.65t·hm-2。从生态系统中各林分群落现存生物量分布看,乔木层生物量最大,占总生物量的70%以上,其次为凋落物,最小为林下植被。(3)沿海沙地的竹林在水文效应上同样起到蓄水、林冠对降雨的截持和对径流的调节等作用。降雨量是影响林冠截留量、竹秆茎流量、穿透水量的主导因素。在一定的降雨量范围内,林冠截留量、竹秆茎流量、穿透水量均随着降雨量的增大而增加。凤尾竹的全年截留量为最大,占总降水的31.3%,而黄金间碧玉最小,占26.1%。黄金间碧玉的竹秆茎流量和穿透水总量均为最大,分别达到35.4 mm和688.8 mm。(4)不同林分的持水量相差较大。青皮竹乔木层和枯枝落叶层的持水量最大,分别达到36.17 t·hm-2和14.84 t·hm-2。大叶龙竹林下植被持水量最大,达到8.35 t·hm-2,黄金间碧玉为最小,仅为1.67 t·hm-2。(5)植物器官营养元素的浓度主要受植物的遗传特性和环境因素的影响。从各竹种不同器官各种元素浓度看,N元素浓度最大,K浓度则相对较高,Ca和Mg浓度相近,Mg浓度略大于Ca的浓度,P浓度最小。在地上各器官中,各种养分浓度竹叶>竹枝>竹秆,地下部分根的各种养分浓度均比蔸的要高。(6)竹子单株养分含量分配规律与生物量的分配规律不同,单株养分含量的垂直分布规律呈现出生物量与养分浓度垂直分布规律相叠加的规律。各竹秆的各养分含量均随高度的上升而呈现逐渐下降的变化趋势,而竹枝和叶则呈现出小—大—小的变化规律。N元素含量在不同年龄的各竹种中最大,而P元素含量最小。地下部分各器官中N、Ca元素含量大小为根>蔸,而P、K和Mg含量则是蔸>根。(7)不同的林分,养分现存量的分配格局不同,从林分养分现存量看,以乔木层为主。各林分乔木层养分现存量中,以凤尾竹最大,达到459.29 kg·hm-2。从乔木层不同元素现存量看,各竹种中的N现存量最大。各林分草本层养分现存量中,以观音竹的为最大,而黄金间碧玉最小。枯落物层的养分现存量以凤尾竹最大,黄金间碧玉仍为最小。(8)沿海沙地的竹子凋落物量主要受竹子生理活动的季节变化和当地气候环境的影响,一年中有着明显的季节变化,全年呈现出两个峰值期。凋落物量中以大叶龙和观音竹的为最多。从凋落物养分含量月动态看,各元素平均月含量仍以N含量为最大。凋落物的养分归还量月变化呈现出凋落物量及其元素含量月动态相叠加的规律,各竹种凋落物养分归还量最大的为大叶龙竹,黄金间碧玉的养分归还总量最小。(9)竹子凋落物不同组分分解失重规律存在着一定的差异性。竹叶分解速率最大,竹枝和笋箨分解速率较小。竹叶的分解失重表现出先快后慢的规律,而竹枝和笋箨的分解失重则呈现出快—慢—快的变化规律。(10)由于营养元素在凋落物中以不同形态存在,在凋落物的不同分解阶段,元素的释放和迁移是复杂多样的。不同竹种的凋落物在分解过程中,同种元素含量变化规律基本一致。N和P含量在整个分解过程中均呈现出前期逐渐上升,而后迅速下降,后期又稳中有升的变化规律。Ca含量在整个分解过程的前期有所积累,而后呈下降的变化趋势。而K和Mg在整个凋落物分解过程中,含量不断下降,到了后期含量又略有上升,上升幅度不大。(11)在盐分、水分胁迫下,各竹种的质膜透性随着胁迫强度的增强和胁迫时间的延长而增加,胁迫强度越大,细胞膜受破坏越强,质膜透性也就越大,反之,越小。经方差分析可知,盐分胁迫强度和盐分胁迫时间对各竹种质膜透性的影响存在极显著差异。(12)随着盐分胁迫时间的延长和盐分胁迫强度的增强,叶绿素含量由变化不明显转为呈现一定规律下降,chl.a下降的幅度小于Chl.b。在水分胁迫下,强度胁迫下竹子的叶绿体受到破坏,叶绿素含量下降明显,中度胁迫下竹子的叶绿体也受到破坏,但程度较强度胁迫低,叶绿素含量的变化没那么明显。(13)盐分胁迫浓度越大,胁迫时间越长,失水量也就越多,保水力越差。青皮竹的叶保水力最大,凤尾竹次之,观音竹最小。在水分胁迫下,各竹种的叶保水力变化与盐分胁迫相似,强度胁迫条件下叶失水率大,中度胁迫较正常供水的叶失水率大,但没强度胁迫的明显。(14)在水分、盐分胁迫下,叶片相对含水量随着胁迫强度的增大、胁迫时间的延长而下降,水分饱和亏缺则与叶片相对含水量相反。(15)竹子的N、P、K含量的变化与水分、盐分胁迫时间长短、胁迫强度大小密切相关。随着盐分胁迫强度的增大、胁迫时间的延长,N、P含量呈逐渐下降的变化趋势,而K含量呈逐渐增加的变化趋势,且盐分胁迫浓度越大,K含量值越大,盐分胁迫时间越长,K含量也越大。在水分胁迫的条件下,各竹种在强度胁迫下的N、P、K含量的变化较中度胁迫明显,正常供水的N、P、K含量变化不明显。

【Abstract】 This text studied on the Ecosystem Characteristic of five Bamboos such as Bambusa.textilis,Dendrocalamus giganteus,Bambusa vulgarix cv.Vittata,Bambusa multiplex cv.Fernleaf and Bambusa multiplex var.riviereorum.These included structure of biomass,hydrology dynamic,nutrient characteristics and circulation.The paper studied on the resistance to salt and drought of Bambusa.textilis, Bambusa multiplex cv.Fernleaf and Bambusa multiplex var.riviereorum.The results have supplied the theory bases for cultivating the bamboo forestry in coastal sandy.The main findings were as follows:(1)The water rate of ten bamboos in coast was higher,and the water rate decreased with the ages.It was because that the new bamboos was on the instability and the woodiness was a maximum factor on the water rate of different organs.The water rate of branch was the highest and the leaf was the lowest over ground,and the sequence of organs under ground was stem underground>root.(2)With the increasing of height,the biomass in one-year-old individual bamboo decreased,although increased and then decreased in two-year-old individual bamboo except for Bambusa multiplex cv.Fernleaf The differernt organs biomass of each bamboo had significant increase with the increase of age.In the distribution of organ biomass,the sequence was crop>branch>leaf over ground and stem underground>root under ground.The total biomass of Bambusa.textilis forest was the most,which reached to 44.94 t·hm-2,and that of Bambusa vulgarix cv.Vittata forest was the least,which reached to 11.65 t·hm-2.In the distribution of biomass in bamboo forest,the arbor’s biomass was the main part,which accounted for over 70%.The litter ranked second,and the herbage was last.(3)The bamboo forests can adjust rainfall’s distribution.Rainfall was the dominant factor which affected interception,through fall and stem fall.In a certain rainfall class,with the increasing of rainfall,the interception,throughfall and stem fall increased.The annual amount of interception was the most,which occupied 31%in Bambusa multiplex cv.Fernleaf forest,while the annual amount of interception was the least,which occupied 26.1%in Bambusa vulgarix cv.Vittata forest.The annual amount of stem fall and throughfall were most.which reached to 35.4 mm and 688.8 mm respectively in Bambusa vulgarix cv.Vittata.(4)The water holding capacity of the forest was obviously different.The water holding capacity of arbor and litter were the most in Bambusa.textilis forest,which amounted to 36.17 t·hm-2and 14.84 t·hm-2 respectively.The water holding capacity of herbage was the most in Dendrocalamus giganteus forest,which reached to 8.35 t·hm-2.That was the least in Bambusa vulgarix cv.Vittata forest,which only reached to 1.67 t·hm-2.(5)The inherit characteristic and circumstance were the main factor on concentration of nutrition element in plant.N concentration of all organs was topmost in concentration of five elelments.Mg concentration was less higher than Ca concentration.P concentration was the least The sequence of all nutrient concentration was leaf>branch>stem over ground.However,the all nutrient concentration of root>stem underground.(6)The individual distribution law of nutrient amount was not the same as that of biomass.The individual distribution law of nutrient element took on addition of distribution law of biomass and vertical distribution law of nutrient amount.The nutrient consent of stem was increasing with height,and the leaf and branch was decreased,although increased and then decreased.N concentration in each organ was the most,while P conecentration was the least.The sequence of N,Ca was root>stem underground,and the sequence of P,K and Mg was stem underground>root.(7)In the distribution of community nutrient amount in bamboo forest,arbor’s was the main part.The arbor’s nutrient amount was most,which reached to 459.29 kg·hm-2in Bambusa multiplex cv.Fernleaf.N amount was the most in the arbor’s nutrient amount.The herbage’s nutrient amount in Bambusa multiplex var.riviereorum was the most,although that in Bambusa vulgarix cv.Vittata was the least.The little’s nutrient amount in Bambusa multiplex cv.Fernleaf was the most,although that in Bambusa vulgarix cv.Vittata was still the least.(8)The litter’s produce and its nutrient concentration and return amount varied in season obviously and had two peak periods in a year account of the growing law and environment.The litter’s amount in Dendrocalamus giganteus and Bambusa multiplex var.riviereorum was the most.Average monthly N nutrient concentration of litter was the most.The nutrient return amount of litter in Dendrocalamus giganteus was the most,while that in Bambusa vulgarix ev.Vittata was the least.(9)The decomposing rate of leaf was the most,while that of branch and shoot hull was the least.The weight of leaf losted was fast at first and then slowed down,but the weight of branch and shoot hull losted was fast at first,then slowed down and was fast at last.(10)In different decomposing phase,because the nutrient elements existed in different forms in litter,the release and remove of element were complicated and various.During process of litter decomposing,the tendency of N,P concentration were increase-decrease-increase.However,the loss of Ca was intensive in the earlier stage,gentle in medium stage,and slight in.later stage.During the process of litter decompsing,K,Mg concentration inceased,and then decreased slimly at last.(11)Under the salt and water stress,the membrane permeability of each bamboo gradually declined,followed by the time of stress and the intension of stress.The cell velum was seriously destroyed under salt and water stress.The stronger the intension stress,the bigger membrane permeability.On the contrary,the membrane permeability became smaller.By analysis of variance,the membrane permeability of bamboo had extremely remarkable difference,following the time and intension of salt stress.(12)With the time and intension of salt stress,the content of chlorophyll varied slightly at first,and then declined obviously.The declining extent of chlorophyll.a was smaller than that of chlorophyll.b.The content of chlorophyll under the intensive water stress declined larger than tha under the middle water stress.The chloroplast of bamboo was lightly destroyed under the middle water stress.(13)The higher consistency and longer time of salt stress,the worse the ability of leaves’ keeping water. The ability of leaves’ keeping water in Bambusa.textilis was the biggest,and that in Bambusa multiplex cv.Fernleaf was the second,and that in Bambusa multiplex var.riviereorum was last.Under the water stress,the variety regulation of the ability of leaves’ keeping water was the same as that of salt stress.The content of losing water of the bamboos’ leaves under the stronger water stress was larger than that under the middle water stress.(14)Under the water and salt stress,the relatively water capacity of bamboos declined with the augment of the consistency and time of the stress,although the water saturation deficient was opposite.(15)The varieties of the N,P and K concentration of bamboos were related with the time and intension of the water and salt stress.Under the salt stress,the N,P concentration declined by the consistency and time of stress.On the contrary,the K concentration increased gradually.The N,P and K concentration of bamboos under the stronger water stress varied largelier than that that under the middle water stress.

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