

Study on the Defoliation Cause and Improvement Measures of Ficus Microcarpa L. f. during Storage and Transportation

【作者】 韩娜

【导师】 潘东明;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 贮运过程是人参榕(Ficus microcarpa L.f.)出口的必要环节,期间贮运措施的优劣直接影响人参榕的观赏特性和商品品质。针对人参榕在贮运过程中落叶损伤其观赏价值的问题,本试验以嫁接人参榕为试材,运用逆境胁迫影响植物生长代谢理论,观察了叶片超微结构,筛选出了人参榕贮运中的最低临界温度和有效保鲜药剂。并选择了温度、药剂、包装方式3因素作为考察因子,每个因子又分别设3个水平,温度选择10℃、13℃和16℃;药剂选择筛选出的有效药剂:5 mg/LKT和600 mg/L 0.1%芸苔素内酯、500 mg/L阿司匹林;包装方式选择1%仙亮、0.03mm聚乙烯膜、不加包装作对照进行了正交试验,用DPS软件进行数据分析,研究人参榕在贮运过程中的落叶和失重情况以及光合色素、抗氧化系统、碳水化合物和内源激素等一系列生理生化指标的变化规律,最后筛选出了能改善人参榕贮后商品品质的最优组合,找出了影响人参榕贮后商品品质的主要因子,为人参榕生产上实施贮运保鲜技术提供参考依据。主要研究结果如下:1扫描电镜观察得到,人参榕新叶的上下表皮都有气孔分布,而老叶只观察到下表皮有气孔分布,对比新叶和老叶的下表皮发现,新叶下表皮的气孔小而多,老叶下表皮的气孔大而少。这些结构上的差异都会使新叶和老叶在贮运过程中的呼吸、蒸腾等生理代谢上有很大不同。2以叶柄制作石蜡切片光学显微镜观察得到,新叶叶柄的薄壁组织细胞比较大,而老叶叶柄的薄壁组织细胞比较小且层数增多,这些差异可能是由于老叶叶柄衰老产生的离区造成的。新叶叶柄的维管束排列整齐紧密,老叶叶柄的维管束多呈游离状,比较松散。这些差异表明老叶叶柄的支持力比新叶大大减弱,从而也更容易脱落。这些结果说明新叶结构更能适应人参榕的不良贮运环境。3人参榕在6℃、8℃、10℃下模拟贮运试验表明,6℃条件下贮运会发生冷害,8℃贮运后的长势恢复不如10℃,故10℃是人参榕贮运保鲜的最低临界温度。在目前生产上采用的贮运条件的基础上添加药剂处理进行试验,结果显示,5 mg/L KT和600 mg/L 0.1%芸苔素内酯对防止贮运过程中落叶的效果最好,落叶率分别为20.96%、35.48%,分别比对照的降低了59.80%、31.97%,10 mg/L 6-BA和500 mg/L阿司匹林的效果次之,5~20 mmol/L亚精胺的效果不明显。4正交试验的贮运过程中,人参榕的落叶率不断升高,且贮运14d后落叶率开始大幅上升,人参榕叶片的含水量、Chl a、Chl b、Chl、Car含量都在下降,Chl a/b比值显著下降,Car/Chl比值升高;叶片的CAT活性显著下降,SOD活性先上升后下降,POD活性一直上升,且贮运14 d后,叶片中的MDA含量和REC值迅速上升,电解质渗漏,造成细胞膜透性迅速增强。淀粉、蔗糖、果糖含量持续下降,可溶性糖含量先小幅上升,贮运14 d后迅速下降。人参榕叶片的ABA含量呈上升趋势、GA3含量呈下降趋势。这一系列生理生化指标的变化都表明人参榕叶片正处于衰老的过程中,衰老是引起落叶的直接原因。5正交试验得出结论,13℃、1%仙亮、5 mg/L KT或13℃、1%仙亮、600 mg/L 0.1%芸苔素内酯为最优组合。这两组组合都能明显降低人参榕贮运过程中落叶率,减弱贮运过程中人参榕叶片的叶绿素含量和保护酶活性下降,延迟MDA含量和REC值的升高,延缓和减少贮运过程中人参榕叶片的碳水化合物含量的下降,减小ABA和GA3含量变化幅度,较好的改善了贮后人参榕的商品品质。试验还发现,药剂处理是影响人参榕贮运过程中落叶率的主要因子,温度次之,其中,以13℃和5mg/LKT药剂的效果最佳;包装方式是影响人参榕贮运过程中失重率的主要因子,0.03mm聚乙烯膜的效果最佳;温度是影响人参榕贮运过程中光合色素、保护酶、碳水化合物及内源激素变化的主要因子,都是以13℃的效果最好。

【Abstract】 Storage and transportation is a necessary period for exporting Ficus microcarpa L.f.,and it can impact Ficus microcarpa′s ornamental value exactly whether measures of storage and transportation is good or bad.According to the problem that the leaves of Ficus microcarpa shed during storage and transportation,which effects its ornamental value.This experiment chose grafted Ficus microcarpa as test material,used theory of environment stress impacting plants’ growing and metabolism,having observed leaves’ ultrastructure and chosen lowest critical temperature and antistaling agent,designed orthogonal tests considering factors of temperature, antistaling agent,packaging methods,and Chose 10℃,13℃and 16℃;Chose 5mg/L KT,600mg/L 0.1 %brassinolides,500mg/L aspirin as antistaling agent factor;Chose 1%Xian-liang wax,0.03mm polyethylene film,no packaging as packaging methods factor.Analyzed data with DPS software,studied the defoliation and weight loss rate and the changing rule of physiological and biochemical metabolism including antioxidant system,carbohydrates,endogenous hormone and so on during storage and transportation,and chose the optimum combination of improving Ficus microcarpa′s ornamental value after storage and transportation,and found the principal factor that effected Ficus microcarpa′s commodity quality,so it would as reference basis for implementing the technology of storage and transportation.The main results were as follows:1 Observed with optics microscope,there were stomas in both the upside and downside epidermises of young leaf,but only in downside epidermis of old leaf.Compared the down side epidermises of young and old leaf,we found that stomas in downside epidermises of young leaf were smaller and more,and that in old leaf were bigger and fewer.These differences of structure could make young and old leaves differ in respiration and transpiration and so on physiological metabolism during storage and transportation.2 Made olefin slice using leafstalk and scanned by electron microscope,we found that the cells in parenchyma of young leafstalk were bigger,but that of old leafstalk smaller and more.It is maybe caused by that old leafstalks senescence and generate abscission zone.The vascular bundle in young leafstalk was more regular and closer than that in old leafstalk.These differences indicated that the supporting force of old leafstalk weakened more than that of young leafstalk and exfoliated more easily. So the structure of young leaf could be more adaptive for the bad storage and transportation condition.3 The simulation test under 6℃,8℃,10℃condition showed that Ficus microcarpa could be injured by chilling during storage and transportation at 6℃,and the recovery speed of growth vigor at 8℃was less than at 10℃,so 10℃was the lowest critical temperature for Ficus microcarpa during storage and transportation.Using reagents to Ficus microcarpa based on the production storage and transportation condition,We found that effect of 5mg/L KT and 600mg/L 0.1%brassinolides are best, their defoliation rate were 20.96%、35.48%,and reduced 59.80%、31.97%than CK,and the 10mg/L 6-BA and 500mg/L aspirin were better,but the effect of spermidine was not obvious.The changes of these physiological and biochemical indexs showed that Ficus microcarpa was aging,so senescence was the direct cause of defoliation.4 During storage and transportation of the orthogonal experiment,the defoliation rate was increasing gradually,the content of water,chla,chlb,chl and Car of the leaf in Ficus microcarpa fell, and so fell the ratio between Chla and chlb,however,the ratio of Car and Chl went up.the activity of CAT of Ficus microcarpa′s leaf fell rapidly,the activity of SOD went up first and then fell,the activity of POD went up all the time.Meanwhile,after storage and transportation 14days the content of MDA and REC went up rapidly,electrolytic leaks,and enhanced the cell membrane.The content of starch, sucrose,fructose fell all along,but the content of total soluble sugar went up first,after storage and transportation it began to fall.The content of ABA of the leaf in Ficus microcarpa showed rising trend, and the GA3 decreasing tendency.5 It was found from orthogonal experiment that 13℃,1%Xian-liang wax,5mg/L KT or 13℃, 1%Xian-liang wax,600mg/L 0.1%brassinolides were optimum combination.They could reduce the activity of protective enzyme’ falling speed,delay and reduce the falling of carbohydrates content,and delay the content of MDA and REC to go up and delay and reduce the falling of content of ABA and GA3,improve Ficus microcarpa′s ornamental value obviously.We obtained conclusion that reagent was the principal factor that effected Ficus microcarpa′s defoliation rate,and temperature was second,0.03mm polyethylene film was the principal factor that effected Ficus microcarpa′s water loss rate,and temperature was the principal factor that effected Ficus microcarpa′s changes of photosynthetic pigments,protective enzyme,carbohydrates,ABA and GA3.

  • 【分类号】S687
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】83

