

Bonsai Traditional Bamboo Culture in the Interpretation and the Design of Bamboo Bonsai

【作者】 谢瑞霞

【导师】 郑清芳;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 林业, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文首先阐明了观赏竹在国内外的分布情况,竹子在我国历史文化上的重要地位,包括其在人们日常生活中的重要作用,尤其着重说明观赏竹及竹盆景在我国传统文化上的表现和发展现状。阐述了传统文化中竹类植物的几个表现形式,包括竹子比德、历史典故、诗情与画意、诗画书印,讲解了竹类盆景制作中的几个制作要点、竹类盆景组景的主要方式。以常见的观赏竹为研究对象,提出观赏竹与传统文化在盆景上的相结合,用观赏竹把历史典故形体化,用实物来突出观赏竹的观赏特色,同时,也是用实物来表现历史典故,使观赏者能够直观地了解和品味我国的传统文化,尤其利于对外推广我国的文化。本文通过对十几个比较容易操作并且观赏点特殊的观赏竹品种,如小佛肚竹、方竹、金明竹、龟甲竹、斑竹、观音竹等等,设计十五个竹盆景,并在图纸上示范,展示我国悠远的传统文化,如“竹中高士”、“黄耳竹筒寄书”、“竹报平安”、“仕女观竹”、“染竹成斑”、“竹林七贤”、“抚筝揽须”、“《竹外桃花三两枝,春江水暖鸭先知》.苏轼”、“姜太公钓鱼”、“《竹里馆》-王维”,“《醉兴》-李白”,“千手观音”,“岁寒三友”,“紫竹禅院”,“枯竹生笋”等等,直观、优美地展现传统文化和竹子的姿态。

【Abstract】 This article,first of all,expounds ornamental bamboo in the domestic and international distribution,bamboo culture in the history of our country’s important position in the people’s daily life,including the important role of a particular focus on the ornamental bamboo and bamboo bonsai in Chinese traditional culture and the performance of development of the status quo.On the traditional culture of bamboo plants several forms,including bamboo comparison of ethics,historical allusions, poetry and painting,poetry,painting,writing,printing,on the production of bamboo bonsai creation of a few points,and the main mode of making bamboo bonsai.A common ornamental bamboo for the study,made ornamental bamboo bonsai and traditional culture in the combination with ornamental bamboo shape of the historical allusions,in kind to highlight ornamental bamboo viewing characteristics,and also used to express the kind of history allusions,so viewers can intuitively understand and tastes of Chinese traditional culture,especially conducive to the promotion of Chinese culture.Based on a dozen relatively easy operation and special viewing point ornamental bamboo varieties,such as Xiaofoduzhu(Bambusa ventricosa McClure),Fangzhu(Chimonobambusa quadrangularis(Fenzi) Makino),Jinmingzhu(Phyllostachys bambusoides var.castillonis(Marliac ex Carriere) Makino),Guijiazhu(Phyllostachys pubescens f.heterocycla(Carr)H.de Leh.),Banzhu(Phyllostachys bambusoides f.lacrima-deae Keng f.et Wen),Guanyinzhu(Bambusa multiplex cv.Fernleaf.)etc.,design 15 bamboo bonsai, and drawings Model on display Youyuan China’s traditional culture,such as the "Takenaka Goldsmith","the yellow ears bamboo tube Jishu","Bamboo Signaling Safety","ladies of bamboo","a spot with bamboo","The Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove","Caressing the Shoot and Hugging the Fibers","<Zhu wai ao hua san liang zhi,chun jiang shui nuan ya xian zhi>-Su Shi","Jiang Taigong phishing ","<Zhuli Guan>-Wang Wei","<Zui Xing>-Li Bai","Thousand-hand Bodhisattva","the Three Durable Plants(symbolizing lasting friendship)","Zizhu monastery","Kuzhu Health shoo" and so on,intuitive,and beautifully displayed traditional culture and bamboo gesture.

  • 【分类号】S688.1
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】256

