

Study on Growth Potential of Natural Evergreen Broad-leaved Forests

【作者】 陈丽霞

【导师】 陈昌雄;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 森林经理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本项研究以福建省南平市延平区天然常绿阔叶林为对象,实地收集大量数据,通过系统深入的测试分析,对这一典型森林的立地质量评价、林分结构、生长规律、生物量等进行一系列的探索,取得的主要研究结果如下:1.对影响天然常绿阔叶林生长的主要立地因子进行了调查研究和分析,同时运用主成分分析法和数量化理论Ⅰ的方法进行模拟,确定了影响林木生长的主导因子为:坡位、海拔、坡向、坡度,提出了其生产力的预估模型,并把以往的立地评价从定性描述提高到了定量评价,为森林培育奠定了科学依据。2.运用4种概率分布律对50块天然常绿阔叶林样地的直径分布进行拟合。本区天然常绿阔叶林的直径分布用贝塔分布(beta distribution)和伽玛分布(gammadistribution)表示较好。探讨这些规律对于预估林分各径阶的株数、蓄积,估算森林的抚育间伐量和择伐量具有重要意义。3.建立标准地,对标准地标准木进行树干解析,采用多种单因子变量回归模型,拟合年龄与直径、树高及材积因子间的关系。结果显示多项式模型较好,总生长量模型为:D=-1.16853+0.27466A-0.00080A2+0.00001A3 r=0.99710 H=-0.27665+0.24984A+0.00025A2-0.00002A3 r=0.99790 (适用范围:6≤A≤68) V=0.00167-0.00055A+0.00003A2 r=0.989704.对林分蓄积量及小叶青冈树干含水率分布规律的研究表明:天然常绿阔叶林蓄积与平均胸径的最佳回归模型是一元幂函数,蓄积与平均树高的最佳回归模型是二次曲线:V=1.2863×D0.777136 r=0.8775 V=1.7537+0.9424H-0.0195H2 r=0.8229 (适用范围:5≤H≤24)胸径、树高与材积三者间的相关关系符合多元线性回归模型:V=1.7525+0.4137D+0.2235H r=0.8974小叶青冈各区分段树干含水率分布规律符合二次曲线模型:Y=41.7347+0.3 108X+0.0117X2 r=0.9081式中:Y为含水率(%),X为树干离地面的高度(m)。取各高度含水率的加权平均值可作为树干平均含水率。5.选择具有代表性的天然常绿阔叶林,设置16m×16m标准地18块,在每块标准地内设4m×4m的调查小样方16块,调查小样方内幼树幼苗的株数,结果显示:每一块小样方都有胸径5cm以下的幼苗幼树,只有少数的样方中幼苗较少。总体上,该区的天然林更新能力很好,其分布格局呈集群分布,因此可降低人工干预力度。

【Abstract】 Based on the data of fixed sample plots of continuous survey and typical sample plots and method of stem analysis, evaluation of site quality, stand structure, growth law, biomass and regeneration measure about natural evergreen broad-leaved forest were studied in Yan ping district of Nan ping city, Fujian province. The main results were the following.1.The main site factors were surveyed and analyzed, which affect growth of natural evergreen broad-leaved forest, at the same time Principal component analysis and Quantitation theory I were used to determine the leading factors. The results showed that slope site, altitude, slope direction, slope grade were leading factors which affect trees growth. The favorable evaluation models of productive force were put forward. The evaluation level to site was raised from qualitative description to quantitative evaluation.2. Four probability distribution laws were applied to analyze diameter-distribution of natural evergreen broad-leaved forests of 50 sample plots. Compared with the results of the five probability distribution laws , the diameter-distributions of the natural broad-leaved forests obey mainly beta distribution and gamma distribution. The resulting principle will provide an important guide for prediction of tree numbers and volume of various diameter grades and volume of selection cutting.3. Based on stem analysis of mean tree of typical sample plots, the regression models between DBH, tree height, tree volume and age were fitted. The results showed as follows. D=-1.16853+0.27466A-0.00080A2+0.00001A3 r=0.99710 H=-0.27665+0.24984A+0.00025A2-0.00002A3 r=0.99790 (applacation range:6≤A≤68) V=0.00167-0.00055A+0.00003A2 r=0.989704. The regression models between DBH and tree volume, between tree height and tree volume showed as follows. V=1.2863×D0.777136 r=0.8775 V=1.7537+0.9424H-0.0195H2 r=0.8229 (applacation range:5≤H≤24) The regression models between DBH, tree height and tree volume showed as follows.V=1.7525+0.4137D+0.2235H r=0.8974 The regression models between moisture content (%) and height as follows.Y=41.7347+0.3108X+0.0117X2 r=0.90815. Eighteen typical sample plots (16m×16m) were established for investigating the number of young trees and seedlings. Each sample plot was divided into sixteen small sample plots (4m×4m). These results showed that: there were young trees and seedlings in each sample plot and the distribution pattern of Cyclobalanopsis chungii population is clump.As a whole, the natural forest renewal ability is nice in the area and the strength of manual intervention should be down.

  • 【分类号】S758.5
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】120

