

Survey and Screening of Bioenergy Trees in Fujian Province

【作者】 王平

【导师】 马祥庆;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 森林培育学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着石油等非再生性化石能源不断枯竭,我国能源资源匮乏和能源结构不合理问题日益突出。我国已成为仅次于美国的世界第二大能源消耗国,能源对外依存度不断提高,石油安全问题十分突出,能源短缺已成为制约我国经济发展的瓶颈。因此,寻找可再生替代能源成为当前社会发展过程中急需解决的重大课题。生物能源是太阳能以化学能形式储存在生物中的一种能量形式,它是可再生的绿色生物能源,生物能源产业已成为近年来全球性的新兴产业。福建地处亚热带地区,能源植物资源丰富,但由于长期来缺乏对于能源植物资源的研究,导致对福建能源植物资源缺乏足够的了解,在生物能源开发中存在较大盲目性,极大地限制福建生物能源树种的开发。有鉴于此,本文通过对福建主要自然保护区的植物资源进行全面调查,研究福建油脂植物和薪炭树种的种类、数量、区域分布及利用状况;在此基础上,选择11种南方主要生物能源树种为研究对象,通过测定不同油脂植物种子形态、千粒重、含油率,油脂的折光率、水分及挥发物、酸值和脂肪酸组成等指标,进行南方主要生物能源树种的能源品质和能源成分的比较;然后采用层次分析法对南方主要生物能源树种进行综合评价,最终筛选出适合南方发展的生物能源树种,供南方地区推广应用。主要研究结果如下:1、通过调查发现:福建油脂植物资源共有87科217属320种,其中木本油脂植物占70.3%,主要集中在大戟科、樟科、木兰科、卫矛科、安息香科。含油率在40%以上的油脂植物有30科45属61种。木本植物是福建的主要油脂植物,在生物能源开发方面将发挥重要作用。其中竹柏、木腊树、猴欢喜、油茶、茶、三尖杉、草珊瑚、南五味子、深山含笑、瓜馥木、樟树等油脂植物在福建各地均有分布。2、通过调查发现:福建薪炭树种资源共有12科29种,主要集中在松科、桃金娘科、含羞草科、蝶形花科。在这些主要薪炭树种资源中,产量最高的是尾叶桉,最低的是湿地松;树高生长量最快的是窿缘桉,最慢的是木荷;轮伐期最长的是湿地松,最短的是桑树;热值最大的是马占相思,最小的是桑树。其中赤桉、栓皮栎、楝树、桑树适应范围较广,可在福建大范围栽种。3、南方不同油脂植物种子的物理特性存在明显差异。其中阴香种子的长径、乌桕种子的厚度、三年桐种子的短径变异系数的差异较大。11种不同油脂植物种子千粒重的大小排序为:三年桐>千年桐>麻疯树>竹柏>香樟>猴欢喜>阴香>山乌桕>乌桕>光皮树>黄连木,其中以三年桐、千年桐种子的千粒重较大,分别为3278.4g、2711.9g,黄连木种子的千粒重最低。不同油脂树种种子含油率的大小排序为:猴欢喜>阴香>竹柏>麻疯树>千年桐>山乌桕>黄连木>三年桐>乌桕>香樟>光皮树,其中以猴欢喜种子含油率最大,为65.94%,阴香次之,光皮树种子含油率最低。含油率是生物能源树种选择的首要目标,含油率高的植物在能源开发上具有较大发展潜力。4、南方不同油脂植物种实油的理化性质存在明显差异。其折光率大小排序为:乌桕舞>麻疯树>千年桐>竹柏>阴香>香樟>猴欢喜>山乌桕>三年桐>光皮树>黄连木;水分挥发物大小排序为:竹柏>香樟>三年桐>千年桐>麻疯树>猴欢喜>黄连木>阴香>乌桕>光皮树>山乌桕;酸值大小排序为:乌桕>麻疯树>三年桐>阴香>猴欢喜>山乌桕>香樟>竹柏>千年桐>光皮树>黄连木。5、南方不同油脂植物种实油的脂肪酸种类存在明显差异。其中脂肪酸种类最多的是光皮树,有13种,麻疯树和三年桐次之,均为11种,黄连木有10种,三乌桕和三年桐有9种,竹柏和猴欢喜7种,香樟和乌桕为6种,阴香最少,仅4种。不同油脂植物的主要能源成分明显不同,主要5种脂肪酸相对百分含量大小排序为:黄连木>麻疯树>千年桐>三年桐>光皮树>乌桕>山乌桕>竹柏>香樟>猴欢喜>阴香,其中黄连木高达80.95%,而且不同油脂植物种实油的碳链饱和度不同。竹柏的不饱和脂肪酸总量和单稀酸的相对含量均较高,分别为97.69%和96.57%;香樟、阴香和猴欢喜的不饱和脂肪酸总量较低,分别只有3.82%、2.26%、1.26%;乌桕的双稀酸和三稀酸含量较高,分别达到15.1%和16.4%,竹柏的双稀酸含量较少,为0.83%,山乌桕的三稀酸含量较少,只有0.07%。6、采用层次分析法分别从种子质量、含油品质、能源成分含量方面对南方不同生物能源树种进行综合评价,不同生物能源树种的综合得分排序为:黄连木>千年桐>麻疯树>光皮树>三年桐>山乌桕>乌桕>竹柏>阴香>猴欢喜>香樟。黄连木无论从种子的质量指标和含油品质,还是从能源成分含量来讲,均优于其他树种,因此黄连木较适合作为生物柴油树种;千年桐的综合评分排在第二,也适合作为生物柴油树种,但其种子油的饱和脂肪酸相对含量较高,油的黏度性较高,生产柴油会给加工带来一定难度;麻疯树和光皮树在含油品质和能源成分等方面也较好;山乌桕种子各方面的品质均符合生物柴油树种开发的要求,具有一定的发展潜力。乌桕种子的三稀酸含量较高,所生产的生物柴油氧化性较强,会导致油的稳定性较低;阴香、猴欢喜和香樟种实的主要能源成分较低,生物柴油开发潜力不高。因此根据以上研究结果,适合南方生产上应用的生物能源树种为黄连木、麻疯树、光皮树、山乌桕、千年桐、三年桐、乌桕,其中以黄连木、麻疯树和光皮树为首选树种。

【Abstract】 Along with oil and other non-renewable fossil energy constantly exhausted,energy resources are scarce in China,energy irrational structure has become increasingly conspicuous. China has become the world’s second largest energy consumption country after the United States,and our dependence on foreign energy continues to increase.At present,oil security is very conspicuous in China,and energy shortages have become the bottleneck which restrictes Chinese economic development.So finding clean alternative renewable energy has become the much-needed socio-economic development process of resolving the major issues.Bioenergy is form of chemical energy existing in biology,which is a kind of renewable green biological energy.Bioenergy is a new global industry in recent years.Fujian is situated in the subtropical area,and it is rich in energy plan resources.Because of the lack of study on bioenergy resources in the long-time,we have larger blindness in the development of biomass energy,and it has greatly restricted the development of bioenergy trees in Fujian.By the comprehensive system investigation of the plant resources in Fujian main nature protection areas,we study on counting the species,distribution area and utilization condition of the oil plant and firewood carbon tree in Fujian.After this,main 11 kinds of bioenergy trees in south China are chosen as objects of study,determines the seed physical form,1000-grain weight, oil content,the seed oil of water and volatile matter content,acid value and refractive index, composition of fatty acid of seed oil of these threes,comparatively study on energy quality and energy composition;Finally comprehendsive evaluation with analytical hierarchy process is carried on main bioenergy trees in south China which is suitable for the southern area for extension.The main research results are as follows:1.Through investigation,the resources of vegetable fat and oil plants belong to 87 families,217 genera and 320 species.Woody plants take 70.3%of them.They mainly concentrate in Euphorbiaceae,Lauraceae,Magnoliaceae,Celastraceae,Styracaceae.There are 30 families,45 genera and 61 species,the oil content of which is over 40%.Woody plants are the main vegetable fat and oil plants in Fujian Province and play an important role in the utilization of biological energy production.Some vegetable fat and oil plants are distributed over the whole Fujian,which are Podocarpus nagi,Toxicodendron sylvestre,Sloanea sinensis, Camellia oleifera,Camellia sinensis,Cephalotaxus fortunei,Sarcandra glabra,Kadsura longipe dunculata,Michelia,maudiae,Fissistigma,oldhami,Cinnamomum camphora.2.Through investigation,the species of fuel-forest trees belong to 12 families,29 species. They mainly concentrate in Pinaceae,Myrtaceae,mimosaceae,Papilionacea e.Among these main fuel-forest trees,the yield of Casuarina equisetifolia is the highest and Pinus elliottii is the lowest.The fastest annual growth of height are Melia azedarach and the slowest is Acacia crassicarpa.The longest rotation species is Pinus elliottii and the shortest is Morus alba. Calorific value of Acacia mangium is higest and Morus alba is the lowest.The wide adaptation range of them are Eucalyptus camaldulensis,Quercus variabilis,Melia azedarach, Morus alba,which can be planted in large range.3.Seeds of different vegetable fat and oil plants in South China,the variation coefficients among Cinnamomum burmannii’length-diameter,Sapium sebiferum’thickness and Vernicia fordii’short diameter on the physical characteristics are larger than others 1000-grain weight of sorting of different vegetable fat and oil plants is as follows:Vernicia fordii>Aleurites montana>Jatropha curcas>Podocarpus nagi>Cinnamomum camphora>Sloanea sinensis>Cinnamomum burmannii>Sapium discolor>Sapium sebiferum>Cornus wisoniana>Pistacia chinensis.Vernicia fordii and Vernicia montana have higher 1000-grain weight,3278.4 g for Vernicia fordii and 2711.9 g for Vernicia montana.1000-grain weight of Pistacia chinensis is the lowest.The oil content of different vegetable fat and oil plants makes a great difference. Sorting of the oil content is as follows:Sloanea sinensis>Cinnamomum burma nnii>Podocarpus nagi>Jatropha curcas>Aleurites montana>Sapium discolor>Pistacia chin ensis>Vernicia fordii>Sapium sebiferum>Cinnamomum camphora>Cornus wisoniana.The oil content of Sloanea sinensis is 65.94%as the maximum;The second one is Cinnamomum burmannii; The least one is Comus wisoniana.To the selection of biological energy tree species, oil content is the primary goal.Tree species with high oil content have a great potential for deve- lopment on energy utilization.4.Physicochemical property of variety of different vegetable fat and oil plants in South China exists obvious difference.Sorting of refractive index is as follows:Sapium sebiferum >Jatropha curcas>Aleurites montana>Podocarpus nagi>Cinnamomum burmannii>Cinnamomum camphora>Sloanea sinensis>Sapium discolor>Vernicia fordii>Cornus wisoniana>Pistacia chinensis.Sorting of water volatile compounds is as follows:Podoca rpusnagi>Cinnamomum camphora>Vernicia fordii>Aleurites montana>Jatropha curcas>Sloaneasinensis>Pistacia chinensis>Cinnamomum burmannii>Sapium sebiferum>Cornus wisoniana>Sapium discolor;Sorting of acid value is as follows:Sapium sebiferum>Jatropha curcas>Vernicia fordii>Cinnamomum burmannii>Sloanea sinensis>Sapium discolor>Podocarpus nagi>Aleurites montana>Cornus wisoniana>Pistacia chinensis.5.Fatty acids of variety of different vegetable fat and oil plants in South China exists obvious difference.Cornus wisoniana,which is the most one,has 13 kinds of fatty acids; Jatropha curcas and Vernicia fordii which both has 11 kinds are secondary;Pistacia chinensis has 10kinds.Sapium discolor and Aleurites montana have 9 kinds.Podocarpus nagi and Sloanea sinensis have 7 kinds.Cinnamomum camphora and Sapium sebiferum have 6 kinds. Cinnamomum burmannii has the least for 4 kinds.Energy composition of variety of different vegetable fat and oil plants is different.Sorting of the relative percentage content of the main 5 kinds of fatty acids is as follows:Pistacia chinensis>Jatropha curcas>Aleurites montana>Vernicia fordii>Cornus wisoniana>Sapium sebiferum>Sapium discolor>Podocarpus nagi>Cinnamomum camphora>Sloanea sinensis>Cinnamomum burmannii.Pistacia chinensis reaches a maximum of 80.95%.Carbon chain saturation of variety of different vegetable fat and oil plants is different.Relative percentage content of unsaturated fatty acid and monoenoic acid of Podocarpus nagi is 97.69%and 96.57%,which is higher.Total amount of unsaturated fatty acid of Cinnamomum camphora,Cinnamomum burmannii and Sloanea sinensis is merely 3.82%,2.26%,1.26%,which is lower.The content of Two-acid and three-acid is 15.1%,and 16.4%,which is higher.The content of two-acid of Podocarpus nagi is 0.83%,which is lower.The content of three-acid of Sapium discolor is merely 0.07%, which is lower.6.By analytic hierarchy process(AHP)from the view of seed quality,oil quality and energy compositioa content,we evaluated variety of bioenergy tree species in South China and got the sorting by the scores of different tree species as follows.Pistacia chinensis>Aleurites montana>Jatropha curcas>Cornus wisoniana>Vernicia fordii> Sapium discolor>Sapium sebiferum>Podocarpus nagi>Cinnamomum burmannii>Sloanea sinensis>Cinnamomum cam- phora.Pistacia chinensis is superior to other species no matter the seed and oil quality,or energy composition content.Thereby,it is suitable for biodiesel tree species.Jatropha curcas and Cornus wisoniana are nice in many aspects.Aleurites montana takes the second place and is also suitable for biodiesel tree species.Whereas saturated fatty acid and viscosity of oil of its seeds is high that will bring certain difficulty. The biodiesel produced from Sapium sebiferum is with high oxidation and low stability because of the three-acid of Sapium sebiferum.The main energy composition of biodiesel produced from Cinnamomum burmannii,Sloanea sinensis and Cinnamomum camphora is low and has low development potential.Quality of each aspects of Sapium discolor accord with the biodiesel require.According to the result of the research,screening results of bioenergy tree species suitable for biodiesel are Pistacia chinensis,Jatropha curcas,Cornus wisoniana,Sapium discolor,Aleurites montana and Vernicia fordii.Preferred tree species are Pistacia chinensis,Jatropha curcas and Cornus wisoniana.

  • 【分类号】S757.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】506

