

The Study of Breeding and Cultivation on Ornamental Sweet Potato Variety

【作者】 邱才飞

【导师】 袁照年;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 甘薯在我国已有400多年的栽培历史,是我国重要的粮食作物。然而,随着社会的发展,甘薯的应用逐渐出现多元化,其中观赏甘薯的出现彻底改变了人们对甘薯的认识。观赏甘薯在美国、加拿大和其它一些发达国家作为园林植物的一朵奇葩被人们广泛接受和应用,取得了很好的经济效益和社会效益。但是,作为观赏植物的新种类,国外对甘薯观赏性的研究主要集中在叶片和藤蔓的颜色以及生长量上,对甘薯花这一重要观赏性状,却未见提及,极大的影响了甘薯的观赏价值,同时,观赏甘薯的研究在我国也才刚刚起步,还尚未推出有影响的观赏甘薯品种,这与我国作为世界上最大的甘薯生产国很不相配,因此,需要进一步加强这方面的研究。本研究特对观赏花甘薯品种(系)的选育以及对开花影响较大的肥料和生长调节剂使用的栽培技术进行了研究,结果如下:1、供试的15个甘薯品种(系)观赏性各有特点,其中桂粉1号的茎蔓较长,攀缘性好,开花时间和开花量中等,作为观赏性品种应用在绿篱上效果可能更好,作为盆栽可以给予攀爬物,能起到较好的直立效果,增加观赏性;品系1389的叶片较小,枝叶分散性好,较能突出花的观赏效果,花量较大,花期较长,株型半直立,较适于盆栽;品系2053花量大,花色艳,但叶片大,叶形差,花梗长度短,难以凸显花朵观赏优势,盆栽观赏效果较差;CL-7叶色较美、花量较大、花期较长,但惜花梗短,观花效果受到一定影响;品系18的叶色和叶形的观赏性较好,花量大、花期长,开花较均匀,花梗长,花径大,是所有品种中最适宜做盆栽的品种。其他品种(系)的开花量小,开花期短,均不适宜作为盆栽观花。2、运用灰色关联度分析法综合评价参试的甘薯品种(系)发现品系18的盆栽观赏效果最好,其灰色关联系数达到0.6617,其它依次为品系2053>品系CL-7>桂粉1号>品系1389>金山630,与实际观赏效果基本一致,因此,这种评价方法可以作为以后盆栽观花甘薯品种综合评价的科学依据。3、对影响开花量的各项因素的相关性分析发现,单株花梗数对开花量的影响效果最显著,对成花率的影响也最大。单枝花梗的蕾数与开花量也存在正相关,但与成花率却存在负相关,影响了其对开花量的贡献率。由于单株花梗数与分枝数的相关性成显著正相关,可以认为分枝数对开花量的影响主要是通过影响单株花梗数来实现的,因此,作为选育目标的品种应具备单株花梗数多,单枝花梗蕾数适中的品种(系)。4、不同的施肥处理在甘薯的花形、花色、花香与单花花期的表现上基本没有差异,而在花冠直径、花筒长、花梗长以及开花量上具有一定的差异,且对开花量影响最大,其中,N2P1K2处理和N1P1K2处理的开花量较N1P0K0分别提高了33.12%和24.16%,分别达到极显著和显著水平,其他施肥处理也较N1P0K0有不同程度的提高,但均不显著。由于开花量主要是受单枝花梗蕾数和花梗数影响,研究发现,N2P1K2处理的单枝花蕾数和花梗数分别较N1P0K0的增加16.67%和7.73%。说明增施N肥、P肥和K肥均可以提高甘薯开花量,并且以N、P、K配合施用效果最佳,其中,N、K肥效果要优于P肥。5、对在不同施肥处理下的开花量、叶绿素、块根产量、分枝数、叶面积和开花天数进行的相关性分析发现,各项指标之间均成正相关,其中开花量与叶绿素含量、块根产量和叶面积的相关性达到了显著水平,与分枝数、开花天数也有较强的相关性,说明能够增加这些指标的栽培技术对开花量的增加也就有利。同时发现,单独增施N肥、P肥和K肥虽然均可提高叶绿素含量和块根产量、增加分枝数以及延长开花天数,但效果均不及N、P、K配合施用效果明显,且各种肥料施用量越高产生的效果越显著。6、不同的生长调节剂及浓度处理对甘薯的花形、花色、花香与单花花期的基本没有影响,然而对花冠直径、花筒长、花梗长、花梗数和单枝花梗花蕾数以及成花率均具有一定的影响,且各处理作用效果不一致。其中,CTK在所有供试生长调节剂的种类中,对甘薯开花的作用效果最好,不仅有利于增加了甘薯的开花量,而且对延长甘薯的开花天数以及增加单日植株的开花量均有效果。在各浓度处理中,CTK浓度在0.03~0.12ppm的范围内对甘薯开花影响较大的,且以浓度在0.06ppm时对甘薯开花影响最为显著,其开花量较对照增加了74.67朵/株,增长率达60.37%,同时,始花期和终花期也分别较对照提前了11天和延迟了12天,总开花天数较对照增加了23天,增加率为38.98%,并且其单日开花量每3株在10朵以上的天数最多,达25天,较对照增加了15天,增加率为150%。

【Abstract】 Sweet potato is the important staple crops, it has been cultivated for more than 400 years in our country. Along with the society of development, the sweet potato is used in diversity aspects. Today, it has changed people’s understanding of sweet potate thoroughly when it be used as ornamental plants. Ornament sweet potato as a garden plant be accepted and applied extensively by people, and it has been obtained good economic performance and social performance in the United States, Canada and other developed countrys. however, these nation’s reseacher pay less attention to sweet potato’s flower , which disadvantage to improve sweet potato’s appreciation quality. The research of ornament sweet potato was just start in our country, and haven’t found a good ornament sweet potato varieties. So we need to research of this aspect at further. In this experiment, the breeding and cultivation on ornamental sweet potato have been studied, and the results are as follows:1. 15 sweet potato varieties (or line) which have different appreciate characteristics respectively had been provided to evaluate. Among them, the varieties guifen No. 1 has the longest main caulis that make it better climb ability, but its flower time and the number of flower is general, which can be apply in green to fence or cultivate in pot when give it climb object. The line 1389 which has smaller leaf, better branches and leaves, more number of flower and longer flower period, and half-erecting plant-type, is suitable for potted cultivation. The line 2053 which has the most flowers and gorgeous floral color, but it’s leaf is too big and leaf’s shape is not good-looking, the flower footstalk length is shorter too, so the effect of the flower appreciate are hard to highlight and potted plant are worse. The line CL-7 which leaf’s color is beauty, and has more number of flowers, bigger flowerand longer flowering period, but its footstalk is short and. The line 18 with beautiful color and leaf’s shape, more number of flower, each period the number of flower are similar, flower footstalk is longer, and flower corolla is biggest, is the most suitable for potted cultivation in all sweet potato varieties or line. Other varieties or lines which hasve litter the number of flower, shorter flower period, are all unwell proper to potted cultivation.2. Gray correlative degree analysis was used to assess on result of the ornament sweet potato varieties selection, which can found the line 18 is the best to potted plant, its gray correlative coefficient is 0. 6617, the other varieties one by one are line 2053>line CL-7> guifen No. 1>line 1389> jinshan No. 630, with ornament result are similar with reality. Therefore, this method can be used to evaluate potted plant ornament sweet potato.3. The correlative analysis of various factors which effectd the number of flower showed that the important factors are the number of flower footstalk per plant and the flower formation rate. The number of flower related to the number of bud per branches and negative related to flower formation rate, which effected contribution rate on the number of flower. Because the number of flower footstalk per branches and the number of branches are obvious related, it can be think that the number of branches effectd the number of flower passes to effect the number of flower stalk per plant, therefore, the target of varieties selective should have more flower footstalk per branches and more the number of bud.4. Flowershape, color, fragrance of flower and the time of flowering which applied different fertilizer to the ornament sweet potato have no difference, but in the corolla diameter, corolla length, the flower footstalk grow and the number of flower have certain difference. The biggest impact factor is the number of flower. Among them, the number of flower at the treament N2P1K2 and treament N1P1K2 more 33.12% and 24. 16% than treament N1P0K0, and were significantly different. Other treaments also have different degree improve compare with treament N1P0K0, and all are not significantly different. When the number of bud and flower footstalk effect the number of flower, the number of bud and the number of flower footstalk of treament N2P1K2 increase 16.67% and 7.73% respectively, compare with treament N1P0K0. This can explain that increasing use N, P, and K are advantageous to increase the number of flower on ornament sweet potato , and the best resultion is to used with N, P, K together, and the effect of N, K fertilizer are better than P fertilizer .5. The correlative analysis of various factors which including the number of flower, chlorophyll content, root yield, branches number , leaf’s area and the total day of flower, showed that each index is related to others, The relativity of which the number of flowers and chlorophyll content, root yield and leaf’s area are, and also have stronger relativity with branches number and the number of flower, which showed that the effect of cultivation technique can benefit these index signs and can increase the number of flower. The chlorophyll content, root yield, branches numbers and the total day of flower would be increased when increaseing N, P or the K respectively, and the effect is less than N, P, K fertilizer combination, and more fertilizer, better effect.6. When different growth regulators and concentration were applied , flowershape, color, fragrance of flower and the life time of flower have no difference, but diameter of corolla, corolla length, length of flower footstalk and number of flower have certain effect. Among them, the effect of plant growth regulators CTK was best for flowering on ornament sweet potato, it was not only useful to increase the number of flower of sweet potato, but also increase day of flowering and the number of flower per day. And CTK concentration for sweet potato flowering are 0. 03-0.12 ppm, and the effect was best to sweet potato flowering at 0. 06ppm. with this treatment , the number of flower per plant increase 74. 67, and the start time of flowering and the end of flowering were be 11 days aheade and 12 days delay respectively.

  • 【分类号】S531
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