

Study on the Relationship between Flower Bud Physiological Differentiation and the Metabolism of Some Substances in Waxberry Tree

【作者】 许伟东

【导师】 郑诚乐;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 果树学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究以8年生东魁杨梅(Myrica rubra Sieb.& Zucc.)树为试材,测定杨梅花芽生理分化期部分物质含量,了解它们的变化规律,初步探索克服杨梅大小年结果的有效途径。试验结果如下:1.东魁杨梅花芽生理分化期始于夏梢停止生长后不久,持续时间约20d,即6月24日开始,6月29日至7月4日为生理分化盛期,7月14日花芽生理分化结束。2.杨梅花芽生理分化期叶片可溶性糖和蔗糖含量先升高后降低。一定浓度范围内,可溶性糖和蔗糖含量的升高有利于花芽生理分化,可以把花芽生理分化开始时蔗糖含量升幅的大小作为判断花芽分化率高低的一个指标,蔗糖含量升幅越大,花芽分化率越高。淀粉含量在花芽生理分化期间持续缓慢下降,淀粉含量的高低可能不是成花的决定性因素。3.杨梅花芽生理分化期叶片全C和全N含量先降后升,C/N则先升后降。花芽生理分化开始时C/N值增大,可以促进杨梅花芽分化,生理分化开始时全C含量降低的幅度也可以作为判断花芽分化率大小的一个指标,降低幅度大的花芽分化率高。4.杨梅花芽生理分化期,叶片内10种元素含量大小依次为N>K>P>Ca>Mg>Mn>Fe>Zn>B>Cu。杨梅花芽生理分化期P和K呈不断降低趋势,而Ca和Mn则与之相反,呈持续升高趋势,Cu、B、Fe和Zn含量是在生理分化盛期前呈降低过程,盛期后升高,而Mg和N则是在生理分化盛期前大致呈升高趋势,此后降低。花芽生理分化前适当补充P、Fe、B,可以促进杨梅花芽分化。5.杨梅花芽生理分化期叶片IAA含量升高,GA3含量先降后升,ABA含量先升后降,GA3的减少是杨梅分化所必需的。

【Abstract】 The objective of this study was to evaluate the changes of some substances in ’Dongkui’ waxberry trees (Myrica rubra Sieb. & Zucc.) during the flower bud physiological differentiation. The results showed as follows:1. The flower bud physiological differentiation of ’Dongkui’ waxberry trees began shortly after the summer shoots ceased to grow, from the end of June to the middle of July with abundance at the beginning of July.2. The contents of soluble sugar and sucrose increased at the beginning of flower bud physiological differentiation, and then decreased, the high contents of soluble sugar and sucrose might had a positive effect on flower bud physiological differentiation in waxberry trees. So, the range of higher increasing of sucrose could be acted as an index of percentage of flower bud differentiation, the higher increasing, the higher percentage of flower bud differentiation. The content of starch was not a determinal factor in the flower bud differentiation of waxberry trees.3. The contents of total nitrogen and carbohydrate decreased at the beginning of flower bud physiological differentiation, and then increased, while the ratio of C/N had a reversed trend. The range of lower decreasing of total carbohydrate could be used as an another index of percentage of flower bud differentiation, the lower of content decreasing, the higher percentage of flower bud differentiation.4. The contents of ten mineral nutrients during the flower bud physiological differentiation were N>K>P>Ca>Mg>Mn>Fe>Zn>B>Cu. The contents of P and K decreased during the flower bud physiological differentiation, while that of Ca and Mn increased. The contents of Cu, B, Fe and Zn decreased before the climax of flower bud physiological differentiation, and then increased. The contents of N and Mg showed the opposited of Cu, B and Zn. Adding P、Fe and B before flower bud physiological differentiation, could heighten the percentage of flower bud differentiation (PF).5. The content of IAA increased during the flower bud physiological differentiation. The content of GA3 decreased just at the start of flower bud physiological differentiation, and then increase. ABA was reversed. The reducing content of GA3 was necessary to the flower bud physiological differentiation.

  • 【分类号】S667.6
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】380

