

Virtual Prototyping and Dynamic Simulation of 40t Horizontal Coil Clamp

【作者】 何丽君

【导师】 范勤;

【作者基本信息】 武汉科技大学 , 机械电子工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 虚拟样机技术(Virtua1PrototypingTechnology)是20世纪80年代随着计算机技术的发展而迅速发展起来的一项计算机辅助工程(CAE)技术。工程师可以在计算机上建立样机模型,对模型进行各种动态性能分析,然后改进样机设计方案,用数字化形式代替传统的实物样机实验。运用虚拟样机技术,可以大大简化机械产品的设计开发过程,大幅度缩短产品开发周期,降低产品开发成本,改进产品设计质量,提高面向客户与市场需求的能力。钢卷吊具是冶金行业中的特种起重设备,广泛应用于钢厂、仓库、码头等场所用于搬运各种冷轧、热轧的半成品及成品钢卷。长期以来,钢卷吊具的设计方法多采用常规的静态设计为主,根据同类产品的相关资料和经验公式方法进行设计和计算,显然这些设计方法都具有局限性。如果在钢卷吊具的设计研究中引入虚拟样机技术,就可以运用计算机对机构在各种工况下随载荷变化的运行状态及随时间变化过程的仿真模拟,得到仿真输出参数和结果,以此来估计和准确推断实际运行的各种数据,实现钢卷吊具的动态仿真分析与计算,有效避免以往产品静态设计中存在的弊端。本文以40t电动平移式卧卷夹钳机构为研究对象,以三维实体造型软件UG,虚拟样机软件ADAMS为软件平台,建立夹钳机构的虚拟样机并对其进行动力学仿真分析与计算。在深入研究电动平移式卧卷夹钳机构工作原理及工作过程的基础上,根据夹钳机构的真实系统,运用三维实体造型软件UG,建立了夹钳机构的实体模型,为机构的动力学仿真提供了基础;通过Parasolid标准格式将在UG中建立的夹钳机构的实体模型导入到ADAMS软件中,并通过添加约束、运动及载荷等,在ADAMS软件中建立了夹钳机构的虚拟样机。最后运用机械系统动力学仿真软件ADAMS对夹钳闭合夹取钢卷和起吊吊运钢卷这两种工作状况进行了动力学仿真,并对结果进行了合理有效的分析。本文是将虚拟样机技术应用于钢卷专用吊具——电动平移式卧卷夹钳机构设计、分析和研究的一个初步探讨性研究工作。通过研究表明,运用虚拟样机技术对夹钳机构进行动力学仿真分析可以很好的将机构的各种工作状况较为真实的反映出来,是一种可行的分析手段,同时也说明使用该技术可以为今后夹钳的设计、分析和研究提供较重要的参考数据,可以大大缩短产品的开发周期,降低产品开发成本。

【Abstract】 With the development of computer technology, the technology of VirtualPrototyping also developed rapidly since the 80’s of the 20th century. By using prototyping model,Engineers can analyze some kinds of dynamic performance under various working environments and refine the designing concept of Prototype Therefore,the design method of traditional Physical Prototype is being replaced by the method of digital model. It can simplify the development Process of mechanical products, shorten the development cycle, reduce the cost, improve product quality and advance ability of facing to the customer and market demand.The steel coil clamp is an important lifting device used in steel plant, stockhouse and dock for carrying half finished and finished steel coil. But for along time, the design method of mostly adopts the static design and according to the similar products’ information to accomplish design and calculation, so these methods are limited. If the technology of Virtual Prototyping is introduced to the study of steel coil sling, it can simulate the running state of each mechanism under various working conditions according to the change of the load and process to the time with computer and results from the simulation can be used to estimate and judge different data of actual movement, and realize the dynamic simulation analysis of steel coil sling. And it can avoid the disadvantage of the static design method of the product.This paper takes the 40t electronic translational horizontal coil clamp as a research object and uses three-dimensional solid modeling software of UG and Virtual Prototyping software of ADAMS to build on Virtua1Prototyping of the clamp and to carry on the dynamic simulation analysis of the machine. On the basis of further studying on the operating principle and working process of the clamp, using three-dimensional solid modeling software of UG to establish the model of the clamp according to the true system of the clamp which offered the foundation for dynamics simulation analysis of the device. Converting the three-dimensional solid modeling of the clamp which established in the software of UG to the software of ADAMS and establishing the Virtual Prototyping model with adding restraint, movement and load in the software of ADAMS. Finally carrying on the dynamic simulation of the clamp with the process of squeezing and lifting the steel coil and analyzing the results reasonable.This paper has attempted to use the technology of Virtual Prototyping to the design study of the special steel coil sling——the electronic translational horizontal coil clamp with the type of electronic translation. By research, it’s a feasible analysis method that carrying on dynamic simulation analysis of clamp with the technology of Virtual Prototyping which can simulate different work process of the device. And it can offer important reference date for the design, analysis and research of clamp in the future. And it can shorten development cycle and reduce cost of the product.

【关键词】 虚拟样机技术夹钳ADAMSU G
【Key words】 Virtual Prototyping TechnologyClampADAMSU G

