

On Establishment of Summary Procedure in Administrative Procedural Law

【作者】 向哲

【导师】 邓辉辉;

【作者基本信息】 广西民族大学 , 诉讼法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 股东派生诉讼又称股东代表诉讼,是起源于英美法系的重要公司法律制度,鉴于该制度作为公司利益保护机制,在确保股东对公司经营的有效监督、完善公司治理结构等方面发挥着重要作用,大陆法系国家纷纷根据本国的实际需要构建股东派生诉讼制度。事实表明,该制度对维护股东的合法权益、完善公司治理具有重要的意义,因为在传统的“资本多数决”原则下,公司治理机制不能有效保障中小股东的合法权益,股东派生诉讼制度建立在公司自治民主理念基础之上,体现股东诉权基本原理,加强了法律对股东权利的保护。我国2005年修订《中华人民共和国公司法》(以下简称《公司法》)时,移植了股东派生诉讼制度,但《公司法》的条文简单,缺乏可操作性。股东派生诉讼在我国面临的困境在法律制度层面表现为:股东利益和公司利益的法律界限模糊;民事诉讼法和民事实体法失衡。在诉讼环境层面表现为:我国传统法律文化中存在的厌诉传统;诉讼成本对股东派生诉讼制度的制约。我国股东派生诉讼制度亟需完善,它既是唤醒投资者的股东意识的需要,也是利用私人诉讼对公司进行监管的需要,还是防止国有资产流失的需要。完善我国股东派生诉讼制度的可行性是:我国公司法的实践奠定了充分的历史基础;域外立法经验提供了宝贵的借鉴;近年来人民法院推进的法官职业化建设提供了可靠的司法保证。完善我国股东派生诉讼制度,树立对小股东权利特别保护的理念以及鼓励正当诉讼和防止恶意诉讼相协调的理念,以此完善该制度的具体内容。完善我国股东派生诉讼制度的内容包括诉讼主体和其他诉讼程序两个方面。诉讼主体方面包括原告股东资格、被告的范围、公司在诉讼中的地位;其他诉讼程序问题包括诉讼费用、诉讼担保、诉讼管辖、诉讼和解、反诉和既判力的主观范围。

【Abstract】 In Materialist dialectics, controversy is considered to be the opposition and union of common property and individuality. While dealing with specific problems, the common of things of the same kind should be taken into account and the individuality of the specific things should be respected. So we should analyze specific problems based on facts. Executive cases are unexceptionally suitable to be treated and judged in ordinary process, but this wastes judicial resources, increases prosecution cost because of process tediousness and reduces commonalty’s chances to take up the weapon of law to equally approach judicial judge.Executive prosecution simple process not only meets the internal requirement of process righteousness, therefore enables a large amount of simple executive cases to be timely and rightfully treated. This also fuels the legalization of ordinary process, thus those complex cases that really need profound and serious treatment and judge could get reasonable judicial resources allocation and finally achieve organic union of efficiency and righteousness.Since our national <administrative procedural law> was formally reinforced in October 1990, especially after our country entered into WTO, executive disputes have been increasing; this also challenges the judicial judgment. Under the market economic environment, people not only pursue righteousness on judgment but also demand that conflicts could get a timely treatment. As the socialism law-ruling construction is being carried out, people’s right awareness is further awakened; thus such desires will get stronger. Moreover, to view from the executive agencies’perspective, executive disputes should be settled timely so that executive administration can be carried out effectively.The internal basic conditions for executive prosecution simple process setting-up are executive cases’feature of either being complex or simple, the administrative managing manner as well as the executive prosecution principle that“the accused should take up the responsibility of providing evidence for the lawfulness of the specific executive acts that are accused”. Since the executive prosecution system reinforced, the improvement of the judges’quality, the accumulation of people’s courts’executive judicial experience, people’s stronger right awareness and the spirit of 21st century judicial reform have all provided a good environment for executive prosecution simple process. The legislation and practice of our national civilian prosecution simple process and criminal prosecution as well as out-of-region simple process provide experience that can be a reference for setting up executive prosecution simple process.While setting up simple process, the features of executive prosecution simple process and our national special situation should be taken into account. Setting up simple process starts from the judge organization, case range, process launch, court judge running, prosecution period and prosecution documents, ect. The prosecution process should be simplified and the practice of parties prosecution right should be guaranteed.

  • 【分类号】D922.291.91
  • 【下载频次】137

