

New Era Three Rights in the Archives Open-up and Utilization

【作者】 蓝卢婷

【导师】 温强;

【作者基本信息】 广西民族大学 , 档案学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 从一起综合了所有权、知情权、隐私权三权冲突的案例中,我们看到了目前相关档案法律法规中的尚存诸多不完善之处。而关于档案的所有权问题非常重要,因为它直接关系到档案所有权的权利主体问题。随着《物权法》的诞生与实施,《档案法》也应该就此问题作出明确的规定,防止因归属不明而造成国有财产流失,同时也对依法取得的档案个人所有权进行有效的保护,体现出社会的民主和进步。在所有权归属依法确定的前提下,作为物权的主体,不论是国家、集体,还是私人,对他们的物权都应给予平等的保护。对于广大的所有人与利用者,不了解和运用相关法律法规,不仅不利于在尊重他人合法权益同时行使个人正当的利用权,也不利于对国家相关法律法规的监督;对于档案部门而言,不想办法对其进行完善,将使原本就举步维艰的各项档案工作更加停滞不前、国家的根本利益也得不到很好地保护。作者试从档案在开放与利用活动中的法律问题来进行分析研究。站在国内外信息法研究的基础上,以档案法、物权法、信息法法学为理论重点,以档案开放与利用活动的主要环节为实践切入点,系统分析和阐述信息化社会背景下的三权问题。在档案开放与利用中涉及多方面的民事权益,主要包括所有权、知情权与隐私权的保护。笔者拟从该案例出发,依据主次重要的角度出发,阐述尊重他人的所有权、知情权、隐私权是和谐民主社会、信息社会越来越强烈的要求,应在不侵犯国家、集体利益的同时,充分保护公民个人合法的民事权益。

【Abstract】 From the case of the conflict which entangled with the proprietary right, the insider right and the privacy right, we knew that there are still a lot of imperfections in the present archives laws and regulations. And the ownership of archive is very important as it refers directly to it’s oblige. Thus Archives Law should make a clear definition on this with the existence and practice of Real Right Law in order to avoid the flowing away of national assets by undefined attribution as same as to protect effectively the obliges’legal-ownership of the archives, to embody the democracy and progress of the society. Under the condition of certain attribution of legal-ownership, the real right should be protected equally no matter that oblige is national, collective or private.It is disadvantageous to most of owners and users to accurate their legal use right with a respect of the others legal equity interest and to supervise on the national referent laws and regulations if they don’t familiar with the laws and regulations; and for the archives department, it would be very hard to protect the national fundamental interest and promote the trouble-some works of archives if it doesn’t take all measures to perfect it. From this point, the author tries to analysis systematically and to amplify the issues of the proprietary right, insider right and privacy right in the informational society on a base of research of national and international information laws in accordance with the key theory of Jurisprudence such as Archives Law, Real Right Law and Information Law and with the main link of archives opening-up and utilization as the access of practice. The archives open-up and utilization refers to multi-aspects equity interest, form that including the protection of the proprietary right, the insider right and the privacy right. And the auther amplified that to respect the others proprietary right, insider right and privacy right is the strong requirement of the harmonic and information society from the case.

  • 【分类号】G273.5
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】541

