

Analysis and Design of Performance Improvement in Convergent Billing System

【作者】 罗芳

【导师】 宋茂强;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 软件工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 中国移动四川公司在2005年完成了所有神州行用户的支撑平台迁移工作,支撑平台的迁移虽然对神州行品牌的市场拓展带来了非常大的推动作用,但由于神州行品牌从智能网实时扣费转变为BOSS系统准实时扣费,给四川移动带来了更大的欠费风险;同时,随着用户群的快速增长以及资费的不断下降,业务发展呈现出话单处理量增长速度大于收入增长速度的趋势的实际情况。在这种情况下,为提升融合计费系统处理能力,一方面可以通过硬件扩容的方式来实现,另一方面可以通过软件优化的方式进行计费系统的能力提升;考虑到硬件扩容投入大而且建设周期相对较长的实际情况,如何提高资源使用的效率、通过软件优化实现系统性能提升成了摆在四川移动面前的一件迫切工作。针对业务发展对融合计费实时性提升的迫切要求,本论文从现有融合计费系统的系统架构研究分析出发,针对交换系统与融合计费系统接口、融合计费系统内部流程和用户资费信息同步流程三个影响融合计费系统运行效率的瓶颈点,制定并实施了优化工作,推动了融合计费系统性能及效率的提高。本文详细阐述了本人主要负责的关于系统分析及设计的几个方面内容:(1)、系统分析方面:对现有融合计费系统的系统架构进行研究、对性能瓶颈进行观察、对运行效率进行分析,发现其中存在的影响计费实时性的瓶颈点,并从系统结构、实现方式、资源使用方式方面分析造成这些瓶颈的根本原因;(2)、系统设计方面:根据系统分析的结果,制定融合计费系统性能提升的设计方案,改善计费处理流程,提升处理能力;(3)、对融合计费系统与交换系统接口进行设计;(4)、对融合计费系统内部流程进行设计;(5)、对融合计费系统用户资费信息同步流程进行设计。通过此次融合计费实时性提升项目,实现了:(1)、交换系统与融合计费系统之间话单采集接口的时延从20分钟缩短至5分钟;(2)、融合计费系统内部处理时延从30分钟缩短至10分钟;(3)、用户资费信息同步磁盘I/O消耗从4TB/天减少至1GB/天(4)、融合计费系统处理能力由1亿条/天提升至4.5亿条/天

【Abstract】 China Mobile Sichuan Branch had transferred the support platform of Prepaid Service from IN(intelligent network) to BOSS(Business operation and support system). The market development of prepaid service has been improved by these changes. On the other hand, these changes bring more risk of revenue lost because the signaling billing system was replaced by a CDR billing system. At the same time, as the amount of customers increases with a high speed, and the charge-rate decreases continuously, the increasing speed of call detail records is much more than the increasing speed of incoming. At such a situation, we can enhance the capability of billing system by upgrading the hardware or improving the performance of software. Since the investment of hardware could be expansive, it becomes the best way to optimize the infrastructure of billing system to increase the system efficiency.According to the requirement of performance improving on convergent billing system, the infrastructure of current convergent billing system is analyzed. This article focuses on the interface between mobile switch network and convergent billing system, the internal process of convergent billing system and the synchronization of user info. Based on analysis on these three weak points, this article provides the method of performance tuning. And the performance of convergent billing system has been improved.This article describes the following fields:(1) System analysis: On studying the infrastructure of convergent billing system, this article analysis running efficiency and weak points of performance. And this article finds out the root cause of these weak points by system infrastructure, implement method and resource allocating. (2) System design: design the performance-tuning plan based on the results of system analysis.(3) Designing on the interface between MSC and BOSS.(4) Designing the internal process of convergent billing system.(5) Designing the process of customer rating information exchange.Though this project, the following achievements have been made:(1) The delay of CDR decrease from 20 minutes to 5 minutes.(2) The delay of billing process decrease from 60 minutes to 10minutes.(3) The throughput of disk IO decrease from 4TB/day to 1GB/day.(4) The capacity of convergent billing system increase from 100 million CDRs/day to 450 million CDRs/day.

  • 【分类号】TN929.5
  • 【下载频次】70

