

The Market and Operation Analyse on the Network Video Surveillance Service of Henan Netcom

【作者】 梁青峡

【导师】 杨旭;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 对于电信运营商而言,只提供电信基础服务即语音的时代已经过去,电信运营商已经进入多元化经营时代。电信运营商已经从通信基础服务提供商开始向综合信息服务提供商转型。其价值链发展成从过去只有设备制造商、电信运营商、终端用户三个环节延长到包括通信服务提供商、内容服务提供商、应用与集成服务提供商、金融服务提供商、终端设备提供商、用户多环节的新型产业链。提供通信基本业务是电信运营商的职能,而增值业务特别是互联网增值业务将是电信运营商获得持续增长的关键因素,由于增值业务与基础业务存在较大的差异性,因此在其不断的创新和发展中,需要采用新型的商业模式。本论文针对上述电信发展的关键问题,运用SWOT分析法和迈克尔·波特的“价值链分析法”,详细论述河南网通网络视频监控业务市场与运作模式。最后得出如下结论:第一、固网运营商要避免成为单纯的宽带接入通道提供商、分享到更多互联网应用“奶酪”,就要大力开展宽带增值业务。而网络视频监控市场刚刚起步,各个行业都要很大需求,利用运营商得天独厚的网络资源和客户资源,开展网络视频监控业务是宽带增值业务一个很好的切入点。第二、运营商开展网络视频监控业务,首要的问题就是选择合适的运营模式。处理好各合作方关系,建立合作共赢的运营模式,共同做大利润空间,有效激活产业链,是电信运营商推进视频监控业务发展的关键。

【Abstract】 Telecom operators have entered the era of diversification. They have transformed from telecommunication infrastructure service providers to integrated information service providers. The value chain of telecom operators used to have three parts: equipment manufacturers, service providers, and end-users, now extend to communications service providers, content providers, application and integration service providers, financial services providers, terminal equipment providers, end-users of the new multi-link industry chain. The primary function of telecom operators is to provide telecommunication infrastructure services. However, value-added services, especially the Internet service, will be the key for sustained growth. For the difference between telecommunication infrastructure services and value-added services, constant innovation and development of the value-added services need new business models.The dissertation use SWOT analysis and Michael Porter’s "value chain" theory, discusses the market and operation mode of Henan Netcom network video surveillance service in detail. Finally reached the following conclusions: The first, for save from being a provider of broadband access and sharing more "cheese" of Internet applications, fixed network operators should vigorously carry out broadband value-added services. The network video surveillance market is a good starting point, because it has just been started, all sectors must have great demand on unique network resources and customer resources of fixed network operators. The second, for operators to carry out video network service, the most important issue is to choose the appropriate operating mode. Handling relations between the value chain partners, establishing win-win cooperation operating modes, expanding profit margins, activating industrial chains, is the key of network video surveillance service development.

  • 【分类号】F626
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】82

