

Design of Teaching System Based on Mobile Learning

【作者】 刘金梅

【导师】 刘建设;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 教育技术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着计算机技术、网络技术和通信技术的迅速发展,信息技术环境下人们的学习生活方式发生了重大变革。截止2007年6月30日,中国手机用户已超过5个亿,尤其值得注意的是,受手机上网资费下调的影响,手机上网已经在我国渐成风气,成为整个市场新的趋势。与此同时,在科技进步的推动下手机的功能也越来越强大。收发短信、彩信、电子邮件,播放音频、视频文件等等功能日臻成熟,现在的手机集通讯、商务、娱乐于一身,具有电话、电脑、电视、电游、信用卡、mp4等功能,把人类带入一个五彩斑斓的新世界。因此利用手机、PDA等移动终端进行学习早已不是梦想,移动学习便是当前的研究热点。本论文的研究重点是基于移动学习的教学系统设计,首先通过教育技术学的研究方法内容分析法,对国内的学术论文和学位论文进行深入分析,理清了移动学习研究在国内的发展动向;其次,通过“计算机基础”课程的移动学习教学实践研究,总结出符合我国成人学习者的移动学习教学平台应具备的特点;在此基础上,从以“学”为主的角度来探讨移动学习中的教学设计,完成并详细阐述了移动学习教学设计流程图;最后根据此教学设计思想,从软件工程的角度,研究设计基于移动学习的教学系统,完成了该平台的用例图、静态视图、动态视图、系统结构以及数据库的设计。希望能为本项目的后继研究工作提供方法论意义上的参考。

【Abstract】 Thanks to the rapid development of the computer, network and communication technologies, people’s learning and living style is changing so much at present. Until June 30, 2007, there are more than 5000 million mobile phone users in China. Especially after the decreased cost of internet accessing through mobile phone, the number of users who use it to surf is increasing quickly. Now the cell phone is used to receive and transmit SMS, MMS, e-mail, to play audio and video, etc. The mobile devices make people’s learning and living become more and more convenient.Mobile learning is a research hotspot at present, this paper mainly focus on the teaching system design based on mobile learning. By analyzing the theoretical research and empirical study on mobile learning, an instructional design process is given, which is based on mobile learning and education technology, and the process priority is given to learning and learners. And then the thesis designs the teaching system of mobile learning from the software engineer view. This paper is expected to provide a methodological significance to the development of the mobile learning software, which is according the educational technology thought and requiring the adult learners’ demands.This paper consists of six chapters.The first chapter introduces why this topic is chosen, which project it comes from, what contents to be researched, the definition of related terms, and puts forwards the framework of this paper.Chapter two is the theory research, it summarizes the present mobile learning projects, abroad and home, mainly analyzes how the mobile learning is developing at home by content analysis method, and then describes it from the content and time points.Chapter three is the class experiment part, it compares the present mobile learning systems, and investigates an educational experiment on the mobile learning in computer basis curriculum, then takes a conclusion on what kind of teaching system is suitable for adult learners.Chapter four is about the instructional design, it designs a mobile learning teaching system process diagram which is based on the education technology theory and describes the details of every part, such as learning requirement analysis, the characters of the learners, etc.Chapter five is the core of this paper, according the process of chapter four, it designs the teaching system based on mobile learning, includes six parts: the requirement analysis, which contains use case diagram and analysis classes; static diagram, which is about design class diagram; dynamic diagram, such as sequence diagram and collaboration diagram; the architecture of the system and deployment diagram; data tables and choice of database; the comparison of development model and tools.Chapter six summarizes the whole paper and work, innovations and deficiency, and prospects the future development of mobile learning.

  • 【分类号】TP391.6
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1488

