

The Study of Resource-Based Network Collaborative Learning Environment Design

【作者】 秦超

【导师】 文福安;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 教育技术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文立足于国家“十五”重大科技攻关项目“面向中小学的远程教育关键技术及示范”项目下的子课题“基于国产基础软件的多媒体网络教学及远程支持系统”中的资源管理模块的研究过程和功能设计等相关工作,在完成资源库管理模块的设计工作后,尝试着将国外的以教学活动组织过程为功能组织原则的设计理念引入本课题的研究中,打破国内传统网络教学平台中的基于功能模块的划分,以资源型学习过程为主线组织各模块功能,设计了一个支持资源型学习模式的学习模块。本文共分为七个章节,第一章简述了项目的背景及项目概述,界定了研究和论文的论述范畴,对行文中的术语及缩写进行了说明。第二章集中阐述了构建基于资源的网络协作学习环境的理论基础——网络协作学习理论和计算机支持的协作学习(CSCL)理论并对基于资源的学习模式进行了深入分析和探讨。第三章对系统设计原则及完整的功能体系结构进行了简要说明,简单介绍了开发运行环境及关键技术。第四章详述了资源管理模块的可视化建模及详细功能设计和说明,并给出界面设计草图。第五章详细描述了以共享的学习资源为核心、资源型学习模式为主线而设计的支持基于资源的学习模式的学习模块,并给出了界面设计草图。第六章,对新近兴起的人机交互技术,WEB2.0中的TAG技术,新浪的Woocall小工具等新技术进行了分析和研究,对其应用于平台的优化提出了合理的设想和展望。第七章,总结了本项目研究的主要工作及成果,并对其中的一些问题提出了反思及后续研究的展望。

【Abstract】 Based on "the multimedia teaching and remote network support system based on domestic software foundation"--the sub-topic in the national key project "key technology-oriented schools and distance education model", the article demonstrates the research process of learning resource management module’s design. In addition, we break function-based design principle used popularly intraditional network teaching system and try to adopt the new principle--teaching-activity-based principle to design a learning module which supports all resource-based teaching activitiesThe article divided into seven chapters. The first chapter mainly introduces project background information, define research bound, and clarify glossary and abbreviations. The second part discusses relevant theories-- Web-based Collaborative Learning theory, computer-Supported Collaborative learning theory and analyzes the resoure-based learning process. The third part introduces system developing environment and program language briefly. The fourth chapter focuses on research and design process of teaching and learning resource management module. The fifth chapter designs a learning module which follows the resoure-base learning activities. It provides teachers and students ways to share various multi-media learning resources, communicate with each other conveniently, demonstrate their own performances. The sixth part studies several new technologies—interaction design, Tag technology and Woocall tool, then discuss how to use them to optimize system functions. The seventh chapter summarizes author’s research works and results in the project and put forward few problems that would be solved in future study.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】347

