

The Research and Application of Networktest System Based on QTI Specification

【作者】 孙小锥

【导师】 上官右黎;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 计算机应用, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 测试是e-Learning中的一个关键部分,一个好的测试能够较好的反映学习者在学习过程中的学习状况和掌握知识的水平。针对已有测试系统中试题资源缺乏统一的标准无法实现学习对象的重用和系统的互操作等问题,国内外相继制定了若干标准对其进行规范。本论文以国家“十五”科技攻关项目“面向中小学的远程教育关键技术及示范”的“基于国产基础软件的B/S架构多媒体系统研发及应用示范”课题为依托,主要研究了网络考试系统实现过程中涉及的一些关键技术,设计并实现了一个基于QTI规范的网络考试系统。该系统基于轻量级J2EE架构:采用3层架构,分离了表示层、业务逻辑层和数据持久层,层间松散耦合,易于维护,具有良好的扩展性和伸缩性;使用轻量级开源框架,大大降低了开发成本及使用成本,对于该网络考试在西部不发达地区的推广具有极大的现实意义。在试题保持上严格符合IMS QTI规范,使得题库资源能在不同的学习管理系统、内容开发系统和资源库等之间进行互用,打破远程教育点、校园网、局域网“资源孤岛”的居民,实现真正的资源共享。QTI规范采用XML定义,具有较大的可扩展性、通用性。在XML解析时,采用XMLBeans,通过把XML实例和底层架构映射为JavaBean风格的对象,以处理JavaBean的方式去操作XML元素。不同的网络考试平台通过提供一个符合QTI规范的XML引擎,可将本地题库资源导入利用;也可从外部题库中导入题库资源,经验证为符合QTI规范的试题则纳入本地题库中,从而不断扩充本地题库。此外,在考试系统间题库导入导出时采用IMS CP规范进行包装。内容包装规范使学习内容成为可以在多个应用与学习环境之间进行交换和重用的教学组件,有利于不同教育机构之间进行充分的教育资源共享,减少资源制作的开销。

【Abstract】 Test is the key of e-Learaing key; a good test can better reflect the student’s condition and the level of grasping knowledge in the study process. In view of problems that it is unable to realize study object reuse and mutually operation between systems because test question resources in the test system are lack the standard specification. The domestic and foreign scholars have formulated certain related standards one after another.This paper is based "the long-distance education in primary and secondary schools and key technology demonstrations" and "domestic infrastructure software based on the B / S structure multimedia system development and demonstration project " of the fifth science and technology research projects. It major researches the key technology of networks Examination System involved in the process of achieving. We design and implement a network examination system based on the QTI standardized. The architecture used in this system is based on J2EE lightweight structure. The three-tier structure is view layer, business layer and data persistence layer. It is loosely coupled between layers so it is easy to maintain and has a good scalability and flexibility. It can be greatly reduced development costs and the using costs because of using the lightweight open-source framework. So it has great practical significance for promotion of the network examination in the western underdeveloped areas. The storing of item is strictly compliance with IMS QTI standards. So data bank resources in different learning management system, content development systems and resources, such as the interoperability between break distance education, campus network, LAN "resources isolated island" of residents can be shared. XML standard definition supports greater scalability and versatility. Using XMLBeans to analysis XML files, it can map the XML data to the underlying structure of the JavaBean style object. We can use the way to deal with JavaBean to operate XML element. Different networks examination platform, can be imported using local resources data bank by providing the QTI standard XML engine; External data bank can also import data bank of resources, experience with certification for the QTI standardized test into local data bank, so as to continuously expansion of the local data bank. In addition, the import and export data bank of this examination system use IMS CP packaging specifications.The study content conforms to the content packing specification can be exchanged and reused between many applications and the learning environment. The CP specification can make education resources between the different educational institutions sharing, and can reduce resources the expenses of manufacture.

【关键词】 QTI交互分布式测试系统
【Key words】 QTIDistributedInteractiveTest System
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】196

