

The Research on Marketing Strategies of Broad Band of XinYu Telecom

【作者】 叶雪青

【导师】 尹涛;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 新余电信自2000年正式开办宽带业务以来,宽带用户从1千户发展到4万户,以69%的年平均增长速度递增。但是,随着铁通、联通、网通等竞争对手的逐步加入,面对竞争对手的低价竞争,新余电信采取的营销策略主要为低价应对和全员营销。这使得宽度业务收入只从200万元增长到2200万元,年平均增长率只有41%。宽带业务的收入增长率与用户增长率相差28%,远不如用户增长率;宽带平均每用户收入下降太快,为全省最低。本文在分析电信宽带业务面临的环境及企业自身能力的基础上,对新余电信宽带业务的营销策略进行了研究。对新余电信宽带业务进行了市场细分,提出了目标市场应选择完全市场覆盖,市场定位策略应采取市场领先者策略,采用以差异化策略为主的营销组合策略:大力开发ADSL2+等宽带业务新产品;针对不同用户采取灵活的价格策略,对网吧等对质量和服务要求较高的高端用户采取高质高价策略,对价格敏感的低端用户采取低质低价策略,既要提高宽带业务收入,又要保护市场份额;大力发展电脑公司和银行等营销渠道,尽早开发网上营销,逐步取消全员营销;对宽带业务采取适当的广告和促销。相信这对企业保住现有宽带业务市场份额,维护其市场领先者地位,提高宽带业务收入增长率,具有积极的现实意义。新余电信在今后的发展中,由于本身存在的一些劣势,加上内外部环境的变化,营销策略的实施将遇到一些问题和困难,需要对公司组织、营销组织、营销执行和营销控制加强管理,共同应对变化,建立持续竞争优势。

【Abstract】 Since XinYu Telecom Co. formally set up Broad Band Business, the user of Broad Band have developed from 1000 to 40000, the average rate of grow up is 69% per year. But with the rivals get in, face the rivals’s low price, XinYu Telecom Co.’s policy of marketing is low price and all staff marketing. This made Broad Band Business’s income is only grown from 2000000 yuan to 22000000 yuan, the average grown rate is only 41% per year. The Broad Band Business average income is down from 2000 yuan per user to 563 yuan per user, the average grown rate is -17% per year. The Broad Band Business grown rate of income is28% lower than the grown rate of the user. The Broad Band’s income per user is grown down too quickly, and it is the lowest of the province.The article analysis Telecom Broad Band Business’s environment and the company’s foundation, it studies the Market Strategy of XinYu Telecom Co.’s Broad Band Business. Points the Broad Band Business’s market targeting should select full market, market position is higher quality and service, the main strategy is difference strategy, cancel all staff marketing. This will be effective to keep the company’s current Broad Band Business market share, protect head position of market, increase the Broad Band Business’s income rate.When XinYu Telecom Co. grows, implement the strategy will be difficult, it should strengthen the control of company’s organize, marketing organize, marketing implementation, marketing control. We must face change, keep competing advantage.

  • 【分类号】F274;F626
  • 【下载频次】207

