

The Effect Research of Mobile Operator in Data Service Market

【作者】 李凌霄

【导师】 吕廷杰;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,我国移动通信发展迅速,移动数据业务收入增长很快。在通信业务市场日趋激烈的竞争格局下,大力发展移动数据业务,提高移动数据业务收入比例已经成为各个通信企业的共识。各大通信运营商也纷纷提出了企业转型、加快数据业务发展的战略诉求。目前数据业务市场上的竞争形式越来越演变成为,运营商+系统集成商+网络技术开发商+终端制造组成的企业联盟或者是产业链与产业链之间的竞争。运营商对产业协同的关注日益加深,并且已经通过诸如终端定制等形式开始加强在产业协同方面的实践。另外双边市场理论的发展,也为我们研究移动数据业务市场这类新兴市场提供了理论研究的工具。本文移动运营商在数据业务市场中的作用研究主要通过对移动数据业务市场特点的描述结合对技术驱动的数据业务市场产业链演进的分析,讨论运营商在数据业务市场中的市场地位。之后运用产业协同理论与双边市场理论重点研究运营商在产业协同活动中以及双边市场平台类型的提供方面发挥的作用。

【Abstract】 In recent years, China’s mobile communication had a rapid development as well as the revenue growth quickly. In the situation of communications market’s fierce competition, vigorously develop the mobile data business and enhance mobile data business income ratio has become the consensus of the various communications enterprises. Major telecommunications operators have also raised the strategy requirement of enterprise transformation and data business development.At present, the competitive form has become into the competitive among enterprise alliances or industrial chains such as the operator + system integrators + network technology developer + terminal manufacturers. The operators have paid much attention on coordination and have taken some practices on it in some ways e.g. Terminal Customization. In addition the development of two-sided market theory provides us the tools analyzing the data business market this new emerging markets.This paper described the characteristics of mobile data business market, combined with the analysis of data business industrial chain evolvement, work out the position of operators in the market. Then use the industrial chain theory and two-sided market theory to analyze which effect does the operators plays in industrial coordination activities as well as providing platform in two-sided market.

  • 【分类号】F626
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】136

