

A Study of Monternet’s Business Model Towards UNS Trend

【作者】 屠凌

【导师】 吕廷杰;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 回顾“移动梦网”这七年的发展历程,有辉煌也有问题。“再辉煌,也是过往”。这些不足或隐患,在企业高速增长中可能容易被胜利所淹没,没有去重视。UNS(Ubiquitous Network Society的简写,意为无所不在的网络社会)山雨欲来,是最合适的调整时期。宏观地、长远地规划UNS时代下的移动梦网,使其逐步完善,变成一个系统性的市场策略,“移动梦网”才能更好地面对挑战,并在UNS趋势下保持可持续发展!本文的主要成果和创新之处是:1、将“梦网”问题的原因归结为SP商业模式、运营商的业务模式、运营商对价值链的控制、运营商自身能力的建设以及涉及未来的方向(UNS)等几方面,并用多层次分析法进行了原因分析。2、对UNS趋势下“移动梦网”的发展作了SWOT分析。3、深入讨论并比较了移动数据业务的两大模式:短信业务模式和移动互联网业务模式。经过比较(包括用博弈论的方法),得出结论认为:在UNS的发展趋势下,后者有明显的优势。4、未来的发展路线包括继续沿着短信模式前进,或转换到移动互联网模式。本文认为,移动互联网是未来的目标,也是更优的选择,但具体的实现方式可以选择激进式或渐进式的道路,视业务发展和技术进步的具体情况而定。而靠近“移动互联网模式”的过程中,可以从加强价值链控制(如深化“定制”策略)、加强运营商能力建设(如电子渠道建设)、协调处理与价值链内各方关系(如引导SP与CP的分工合作)等方面入手。

【Abstract】 Look back on the 7 years’ development of Monternet, it has gained success meanwhile some problems occur. Those problems are easy to be ignored in the highly increasing period and lack of attention paid to .China is confronted the time of UNS, which is high time that Monternet should take into account about the Strategic transformation issue. "Ubiquitous" creates more opportunities for mobile data services. Programming and planning Monternet macroscopically and in the long run will benefit it and make it access to future success in the time of UNS. It needs systematic marketing strategy and a vigorous business model. The result and creation of this dissertation:1、Putting Monternet problems in summary: SP business model、operator business model、operators’ control upon value chain、operators’ capability building、future development(especially on UNS ). Multi-level analysis method is used here.2、Using SWOT method to analyze the development of Monternet under the trend of UNS.3、Discussing and making comparison with two modes of mobile data services: SMS mode and mobile Internet mode and come to a conclusion : the latter one has more superiorities under trend.4、Future direction would include "sticking to" SMS model or "shifting to" mobile Internet model. This dissertation proposes that mobile Internet is the future goal and should be the better optional choice. However in the implementing process "radical" and "gradual" way could be considered depending on business and technology situation.

  • 【分类号】F626
  • 【下载频次】128

