

The Rural Information Promotion Strategy of Jiangxi Telecom

【作者】 张群

【导师】 林齐宁;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文首先从多个角度具体介绍了我国农村信息化建设的现状,包括农村信息化建设的背景、内涵、意义、取得的成果及存在的问题等方面。在此基础上,总结归纳出当前我国农村信息化建设过程中出现的四种主要模式,即政府推动模式、电信服务企业推动模式、农村公共组织推动模式、农村龙头企业推动模式。无疑,上述单一主体推动的模式在实际运作的过程中都不可避免地暴露出所具有的内在缺陷。有鉴于此,需要一种更具有整合性、包容性和多元性的农村信息化模式。由此演进到本文的第四部分。在该部分,笔者首先对江西省农村信息化发展的现状进行了具体分析,然后转入对农村信息化建设的“江西模式”(即政府主导、市场运作、各界配合、共同推进)的论述,并站在江西电信的角度具体阐述了农村信息化的成果和不足之处,由此提出未来可能的优化策略。

【Abstract】 This paper from various angles specifically introduces our country’s rural information status of the building, including the background of rural information, content, significance, the achievement and the existing problems, and so on. On this basis, summarizing the four main modes in the course of rural information, namely the government-promoting model, telecommunications enterprises-promoting model, rural public organizations-promoting model, in rural areas leading enterprises-promoting model. Undoubtedly, the single main-driven model in the course of the actual operation inevitably exposes the inherent flaws. In view of this, we need for a more integrated, inclusiveness and diversity of rural information model. This leads to the fourth part of this paper. In that part, the author first gives rural information Jiangxi status of the development of a detailed analysis, and then turn to rural information, "Jiangxi model" (ie, government-leading, operation of the market, with all sectors to coordinate, jointly promote) expositions, and on the angle of Jiangxi Telecom elaborates in detail the achievement and deficiency, and possible optimization strategies.

  • 【分类号】F626;F320.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】269

