

The Research of SD Key in the System of Wireless PKI

【作者】 陈龙辉

【导师】 刘杰;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随移动通信技术的迅猛发展,移动电子商务以其快捷方便、无所不在的特点,逐渐成为电子商务发展的新方向,同时也带来了无限的商机。国内各大银行、移动运营商、服务提供商通力合作,积极地推出各种无线应用。同时,移动电子商务也存在着一些安全隐患,只有找到一种有效地解决途径,才能免除用户的后顾之忧,增强对移动电子商务的信心,进而有利于无线业务的进一步开展。智能卡能够存储和解释私人签名密钥和证书,实现数字签名和认证,有效地保证信息的安全。SD安全模块(Secure Data Key)具有较高的传输速率、支持即插即用与热插拔、设备体积小便于携带等优点,这使得它在网络安全,特别是移动电子商务等方面具有十分广泛的应用前景。本论文首先分析了移动电子商务的发展现状及其所面临的一系列安全问题,并对现有的网络安全技术进行了分析总结;结合移动通信的特点,提出应用SD Key解决上述问题。本论文从SD Key的物理结构与逻辑结构出发,对SD Key内部软件层及其驱动层进行了深入的分析与设计。本文从微软安全加密体系对SD Key在移动终端的应用进行了设计,进而对其在移动PKI体系中的应用提出了一种方案。

【Abstract】 As the technology of mobile telecommunication is developing rapidly, M-Commerce will become the direction of E-Commerce development, and it also brings unlimited opportunities. In our country, banks, mobile operators and service providers are cooperating with each other to take out much more wireless applications. But at the same time M-Commerce is facing many security problems. We must find out an efficient resolution to solve them so that we can clean up people’s troubles and strengthen their faith of M-Commerce. Because Smart Card can store and explain the private signature key and certificate so that it can realize digital signature and authentication and effectively protect the information security. The SD Key has so many advantages, such as high transmission speed, little bulk, plug and play, and easy to carry, that it will have good prospects in network security, especially in M-Commerce.This paper analyses the development of M-Commerce and the security problems it faces, and expatiate the technologies of network security. With the characters of mobile telecommunication, the author makes use of SD Key to solve a series of security problems. This paper analyses and design the inside and outside software of SD Key with the start of its physical and logic structure. This paper also designs the applications of SD Key on mobile terminal with the system of Microsoft CryptoAPI and works out a scheme of its application in the system of wireless PKI.

  • 【分类号】TP393.08
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】116

