

The Designing and Real-Time Analysis of Digital Controller Based on Embedded Technology

【作者】 栗波

【导师】 廖启征;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 自行车机器人的自平衡控制是机器人领域的一个难点问题,国内外目前的研究大多还停留在初步的理论探讨上。本课题在前人研究的基础上,对自行车机器人的控制作了更深刻的探讨,设计出了完整的数字控制系统,并且做了大量的实验对其进行验证,分析了数字控制器的实时性。本文首先总结了前人在自行车机器人动力学模型上的研究成果,在依靠调节车把保证自行车机器人平衡的非线性动力学模型的基础上,为自行车机器人设计了基于二次型最优控制理论的数字控制器,并分析了该系统的稳定性、可控性与可观测性。接下来,详细介绍了用于验证该控制系统有效性的基于嵌入式平台的硬件设计方案和软件模块。设计了一套数据采集系统,该系统通过使用USB存储设备,可以在自行车机器人行驶过程中随时记录其倾斜角度和同一时刻的车把旋转角度,为每次实验后的总结工作提供了第一手的材料。在自行车机器人的运行过程中,控制系统需要及时根据自行车机器人的当前状态来向执行机构发出指令以确保车体的平衡,这就对系统的实时性提出了很高的要求。本文定量分析了程序运行的每一次任务调度和中断响应所耗时间,与传统的控制系统策略下的实时性表现作了详细对比,证明了本控制系统对系统相应的实时性作了很大的改进,很大程度上满足了自行车机器人对实时性的要求。

【Abstract】 Bicycle Robot Self-balance control is a difficult issue in the field of robotics, and the current studies are mainly about the initial theory researches of the system. After some profound studies were made on the basis of previous theories, an integrated digital control system was designed. A mass of experiments had been conducted to verify the designing and to analyze the real-time performance of the system.At the beginning of this paper, the previous research results about bicycle robot dynamic modeling were summarized. A kind of steering control dynamic model for bicycle robot based on Lagrange method was indicated. Based on the model and the theory of quadratic optimal control theory, digital controller of bicycle robot control system was established. The stability, observability and controllability of the bicycle control system were analyzed. In order to validate the effectiveness of the controller based on an embedded platform, the designing details of the control system’s hardware and software modules were expatiated. Then, a simple data acquisition system with USB storage devices had been built up. The data acquisition system was used to get the tilting angle of the bike’s body and the steering angle of the bike’s front wheel at a time. The data of every experiment can be used as first-hand materials for farther analyzing work.In the operating processes of the bicycle robot, in order to ensure the balance of the bike, the controller should send instruction to the executing mechanism according to the current status of the bike as soon as possible. So the system’s real-time performance should be high. The time data spent by task scheduling and interrupt response were saved. By quantitative compared to the traditional control strategies, the real-time performance of the controller was improved greatly. And the performance can satisfy the real requirement to a great extent.

  • 【分类号】TM571.65
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】118

