

Research on the Framework of Mobile Data Service Integrated System

【作者】 纪成军

【导师】 唐守廉;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 项目管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来移动数据业务发展迅速,各种移动数据业务已逐步融合到人们日常的工作、生活和学习之中,但随着基于各种技术体制的业务平台不断涌现,整个移动数据业务平台体系越来越复杂。同时为快速抢占市场,各业务系统的建设初期都采用垂直体系结构,形成了自己封闭的管理体系。但随着业务的不断发展,新技术的不断涌现,用户需求的不断提升,逐渐暴露出这种体系架构下组合业务困难、SP开发时间长、内容管理分散等诸多问题。因此必须打破各原有业务平台的技术壁垒,从满足用户需求的角度重新研究移动数据业务系统体系架构,在统一管理、统一计费、统一接入的原则下建立综合的移动数据业务平台,对用户、产品、内容、合作伙伴等进行统一管理。本文提出了基于业务开发、业务执行、内容传递和网络抽象四个逻辑层次的移动数据业务综合管理系统设计理念,并详细研究了业务系统和业务管理系统两个模块的功能和子模块构成。接下来广泛探讨了广域网组网方案并给出建议,深入分析了用户定购及使用全国性业务和用户使用本地业务的系统流程实现。同时本文对局域网的组网方案提出建议。在分析中重点研究了如何解决现存系统体系和网络结构中存在的问题以及切实可行的解决办法。本文在最后对移动数据业务可能的融合演进和发展脉络进行了探讨,同时分析了面向3G业务的综合管理系统的前景和发展方向。对论文进行了总结并指出了下一步要做的工作。

【Abstract】 With the development of mobile data service, kinds of mobile data services have already penetrated into daily work, life and study. Based on different technology platform, the framework of mobile data platform will become more and more complex. In the same time in order to occupy the market rapidly, all service systems have adopted vertical framework in the beginning time, forming their own closing administrant system. However with the development of service, new technology continuously coming forth and the user demand upgrading, the problems of the different service combination, the longer development time of service provider and separated content mangement emerged.To break the technology vallation of existing service platform, newresearch on the framework is nesessary to meet the user demand. Underthe rule of the uniform mangement, uniform billing and uniform access,the managemt of user, product, content and partner need to be unified.This paper will put forward the design concept of mobile data integrated system based on the service development, service implement, content tranfer and network abstract system. The service system module and submodule will be researched. First, the servie system and the service mangement system will be deeply investigated . And then the suggestion of wide area and local area network structure will be given based on the research of the workflow of user order of countrywide service and local servie. The feasible proposal will be suggested on solving the prolbems of the existing system and network structure.Finally, the evolution of the mobile data service will be discussed in and the future development of 3G services will be analyzed. The summarize of the paper will be given to point out the future research direction.

  • 【分类号】TP319;TN929.5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】110

