

The Study Base on 4R Oriented Group-Customer Precision Marketing

【作者】 吕志国

【导师】 金永生;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,随着国家政策的引导,行业变革的推动,市场环境的培养以及集团客户信息化需求的增长,集团客户市场逐渐成为了运营商角逐的新的焦点。然而,当前集团客户的市场营销还处在初级阶段,缺乏对市场信息的掌控与分析,对市场实施粗放细分、脱离需求的集团产品设计、对集团客户缺乏识别、关系营销不足等是集团客户市场营销的主要问题。本文就是在这种背景下,根据集团客户市场营销的需求和集团客户的特点,引入4R营销理论作为集团客户营销的总体理念,并运用精细化营销的方法,对4R导向的集团客户精细化营销进行了研究和探索。4R导向的集团客户精细化营销包含四个部分:第一部分:以“反应”为导向的集团客户精细化营销。在构建完备的集团客户数据仓库的基础上,以业务消费与需求为维度,应用数据挖掘技术建立集团客户细分模型,通过客户细分提炼集团客户的需求特征,并以此为基础进行集团业务的设计。集团产品的设计包括两个过程,一是集团产品的设计开发流程。集团产品的设计开发是基于集团客户数据仓库和客户细分的,对集团客户需求进行深度挖掘,以了解不同类客户群体需求的差异性,为产品设计开发提供依据。二是集团业务套餐设计。构建集团业务套餐设计的数据挖掘模型,在客户细分的基础上提取客户业务需求的共性,从而形成需求的套餐化,为集团客户提供打包的业务与服务,提高客户粘性。第二部分:以“回报”为导向的集团客户精细化营销。通过建立集团客户价值评价指标体系和集团客户价值计算模型,对集团客户进行价值评估,从而对集团客户的价值进行准确的识别。并以客户价值为维度通过价值细分矩阵模型,对集团客户实施价值细分,为客户关系管理和客户营销提供精细化基础。第三部分:以“关系”为导向的集团客户精细化营销。在对客户价值细分的基础上按照关系营销理论,建立集团客户差异化服务体系、集团客户细分积分计划体系和集团客户细分通信服务保障的关系营销体系,对不同客户价值层次的客户实施差异化和层次化的关系营销,达到:维系高价值客户,拓展中价值客户,紧缩低价值客户。第四部分:以“关联”为导向的集团客户精细化营销。客户关联来源于产品关联、客户关联和系统关联。而这三者是通过客户细分环节、产品设计环节和关系营销环节来实现的。这一过程和理念通过关联三角形模型进行了很好的表达。一旦实现了最终的系统关联,企业与集团客户成为了相互依赖不可分割的整体,在企业与客户的价值链上,双方将会走向双赢。综上,以精细化营销为方法论,以4R营销为总体理念,构建了4R导向的集团客户精细化营销的全流程,实现集团客户精细化营销的全流程管理和控制,以改变当前粗放式的营销方式,提升运营商对集团客户的营销能力和营销水平,在新形势和新背景下,增强运营商在集团客户市场的竞争力,实现企业的持续发展。

【Abstract】 Along with the leading of nation policy, the impelling of industry revolution, the culturing of market environment and the increasing of information-based demand of group-customers, the group-customers market become to be the new focus that the operators contend. However, the marketing of group-customers is still on the elementary step. The lack of control and analysis to the market information、actualizing rough subdivision to the market、deviating the demand of group production design、the lack of identifying of group-customers、shortage of relationship marketing and so on, these is the main problems that group-customers marketing. Under this background, basing on the demand of group-customers marketing and the characteristic of group-customers, This dissertation introduces the 4R marketing theory as the whole idea of group-customers marketing, and uses the methods of fine marketing, to research and explore 4R oriented group-customers precision marketing.4R oriented group-customers precision marketing include four parts:The first part: "Reaction" oriented group-customers precision marketing. Basing on the group-customers data warehouse and using the demand of operations consumption as the dimensionality, apply datamining technology to found the model of group-customers segmentation. Through segmentation to abstract the character of group-customers demand, then design group product. The design of group product includes two process: one is the design of develop flow of group product, the other is the design of group operation package. Both of them are basing on the group-customers segmentation. Digging the customers demand deeply, in order to master the diversity of demand in different customer groups. It will be the key factor that production design and operation package design.The second part: "Reward" oriented group-customers precision marketing. Through create the evaluation index system and calculation model of group-customers value, to evaluate the group-customers value. Consequently, identify every group-customer value exactly. Then use customers value as the dimensionality, create a value segmentation matrix model to segment group-customers, to supply the foundation to customer relationship management and group-customers marketing.The third part: "Relationship" oriented group-customers precision marketing. Basing on customer value segmentation and according to the relationship marketing theory, build a group-customers relationship marketing system include that diverse services system of group-customers、accumulated points plan system of group-customers and diverse communication service guarantee. The purpose is that through supplies diverse marketing strategy to group-customers of different value to achieve: keep high value customer, develop moderate value customer, retrench low value customer.The fourth part: "Relevance" oriented group-customers precision marketing. Relevance root in production relevance、customer relevance and system relevance. And these can be achieved in virtue of customer segmentation process、product design process and relationship marketing process. This course and idea express adequately by relevance triangle model. Once achieving the system relevance finally, the operator and group-customers will become reliant whole and both will walk to "win-win" on the value chain.All in all, the dissertation uses precision marketing as the methodology and 4R marketing as the whole idea, to create the whole flow of 4R oriented group-customers precision marketing. It achieves whole flow management and control for group-customers precision marketing and changes the rough marketing currently. Under the new background, it can help operator to enhance the marketing capability and competitive power in group-customers market, to achieve the persistent development.

  • 【分类号】F274
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】920

