

Design and Implementation of Dynamic Cipher in VPN System

【作者】 李琦

【导师】 吴国仕;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 软件工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 虚拟专用网技术(VPN)是将物理分布在不同地点的网络通过公用骨干网,尤其是Internet连接而成的逻辑上的虚拟子网。为了保障信息的安全,VPN技术采用了鉴别、访问控制、保密性、完整性等措施,以防止信息被泄漏、篡改和复制。本文主要提供了如何在公共数据网上为企业实现安全、可靠、高性能、可互操作、费用低的虚拟专用网(VPN),对于目前普遍使用的硬件VPN进行了扩展和改进,将Radius、LDAP、CMPP、反向代理、客户端请求等技术结合成一整套解决方案。同时也研究了相关的各种技术的实现机制。传统的VPN技术存在用户管理功能单一、密码安全性低、无法实现与其他应用集成、投资过大等问题,本文则以山东移动帐务中心的具体业务需求为出发点,详细阐述了如何应用动态密码、手机短信、Radius认证服务、用户目录管理(LDAP)等技术实现对现有VPN设备局限性的扩展。针对实现的细节方面,本文还说明了整个方案的技术框架、系统环境搭建和应用部署情况,描述了客户端请求、动态密码生成、Radius密码验证和后台用户管理的设计说明。此外,还研究了系统设计和实现所用到的UML统一建模语言、Eclipse等设计和开发工具。

【Abstract】 A virtual private network (VPN) is a dedicated specific communications network tunneled through another network. It is virtual network that connects physically different locations, especially through the public Internet. To ensure the information security it uses all kinds of different technologies such as user authentication, access control and content encryption to prevent information eavesdropping, distortion and copy.This paper focuses on how to provide a safe, reliable, high-performance, easy-operated and low-cost VPN to the enterprise clients via the public data network. It expands and improves existing VPN technologies which are currently widely used. It integrates Radius, LDAP, CMPP, Reverse Surrogate and Client Claim into a whole solution. It also studies on the implementation details of those technologies.Traditional VPN technologies have some problems such as poor user management, low security on content encryption, huge amount investment and separation from other applications. This paper studies how to overcome and breakthrough the existing VPN limitation and expand its functionality. The study is based on the business requirement of the Shandong Mobil Accounting Center. It includes dynamic cipher, cell phone short message, Radius authentication and LDAP. It gives all the implementation details including an illustration of technological architecture, system environment and the application deployment. It also makes a detailed description on the client requirements, the dynamic cipher generation, the validation of the Radius cipher and back end user management.UML and Eclipse are used for system design and solution development. This article also does some study on those tools.

  • 【分类号】TP393.1
  • 【下载频次】116

