

Design and Implement of One Stop Broadband Customer Service System

【作者】 黄义春

【导师】 郑岩;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 软件工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 信息化是当前全球范围内的一个热门词汇,其对于整个社会生产力发展的推动作用已经无可争议。作为现代社会的一个基本元素,信息无处不在,深刻地影响着每一个企业、单位、个人。因此,对于任何一个现代化或正在进行现代化建设的国家来说,电信基础服务无疑已经成为一项关系国计民生的关键因素。在当前的技术背景和条件下,宽带接入无疑是市场上绝大多数企业、单位、个人获取信息、进行信息交互的最主要方式。也正是因为如此,宽带用户数量已经成为世界范围内衡量一个国家或地区信息化建设的一项重要指标。我国的通信产业自改革开放以来,在党中央的大力扶持和政策的积极推动下,取得了长足的进步。据统计,至2007年,我国基础电信企业的互联网宽带接入用户新增1561.1万户,已达到6646.4万户。中国网络通信集团作为国内最主要的两家基础电信服务提供商之一,为国内通信事业,尤其是宽带业务的快速发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献,为大量的国内国际用户提供了优质的宽带接入服务。然而,随着近年来通信事业的快速发展以及我国加入WTO后国际国内市场的日益开放,再加上中国网通集团海外业务的快速拓展,集团用户的数量快速增加、用户所在范围不断扩展、市场竞争越来越激烈、用户对服务的要求不断提高且日益复杂而多变。为应对这些市场不利因素,抓住机遇快速发展,中国网通集团的宽带产品针对复杂的市场需求做出了快速地、富有针对性地改变和扩展,以争取尽可能的占领市场、提高利润。而市场的压力加上产品线的极大丰富和快速变化,使得之前的主要基于人工方式的产品安装和服务流程日益显现出慢速、低效、容易出错且不易变更的种种缺陷。涉及国家安全平稳运行的军队、行政、金融等部门,以及为集团贡献丰厚利润的大型企业及个人用户,作为中国网通集团最重要和最核心的客户,同时也是竞争对手最看重的客户,关系着中国网通集团今后的生存与发展。因此,中国网通集团迫切的需要一个现代化的、自动化的管理系统,来为这些客户提供更加方便快捷的产品和服务。本论文所论述的这个课题正是基于这样的背景下,为了向中国网通集团提供一套能够满足市场需要的一站式客户服务系统而展开的研究。网通一站式客户服务系统主要基于开源的J2EE技术构建。使用了经过市场检验的一些成熟的新技术,如Spring框架、Struts框架、Hibernate中间件、Ajax技术等,也根据项目的需要使用了一些专注于特定领域的技术,如jBPM工作流引擎等。在项目的开发过程中,本人主要参与了客户资料管理、客户账户管理、电路状态管理,退租业务流程等模块的开发工作。

【Abstract】 Informationization is now a popular word. It’s no doubt that it is greatly prompting social development. As a general cell of modern society, information spreads into every tiny place, and deeply impacts every enterprise, every organization and everybody. For every country which is under the progress of modernization, it is no doubt that basic telecommunication service has become a key factor for the entire country and its entire people. Among all of the technologies used in current society, broadband is used most widely for most enterprises, organizations and people to get and exchange information, so that the number of broadband users has become a key property to judge of the informationization level of a country or an area. With the support and promotion of the government, our country’s telecommunication industry has developed greatly since the reform and opening. At the end of 2007, the users of broadband in our country has reached 66.464 million along with 15.611 million new users in the year.As one of the two main basic telecommunication service providers, China NetCom (CNC) offers great contribution to our country’s information industry, especially the rapid development of broadband. As the result of the rapid development of information industry, the more and more opened market after entering to WTO, and the rapid development of CNC’s oversea business, the users are increasing rapidly, the locating range of users is more and more wider, the competition of market is more and more severe, the requirement of users is more and more strict and complicated. To deal with these discourage facts and developing continuously and rapidly, CNC makes immediate and aiming changes and expansion on its broadband products, so as to seize market and get profit as more as possible. As the result of extension of rapid changes of broadband products, as well as the severe pressure of the market, the on using manual way to implement product and provide service appears more and more slowly, inefficiently, error-prone and inflexible.As the most important customers of CNC as well as of its competitors, the state owning military, commercial and governmental customers and the most profitable customers are the key customers affecting CNC’s running and development. To provide more attractive products and service to these important customers, CNC is eager for a modern and automatic management system. This thesis is based on this scenario and for the purpose of providing CNC a one stop customer service system which is able to meet the requirement of the market.The one stop broadband customer service system is mainly based on open source J2EE technology. Some newly-appearing but sophisticated technologies which are approved by market are used, for example, Spring, Struts, Hibernate, Ajax and so on. Also some domain oriented technologies such as jBPM workflow engine and so on are used. During the development of the system, I take part in the development of customer information management module, customer account information management module, product status management module, stopping process management module and so on.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】91

