

A Study on Marketing Value-Added Products of Jiujiang Telecom

【作者】 古伟

【导师】 胡桃;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着通信个人化、移动化的趋势以及Internet、VOIP等技术的成熟,固网运营商受到严峻的挑战,占据电信公司收入80%以上的固话语音业务不断萎缩,持续增长难以为继,迫切需要寻求新的发展出路,各电信运营商均将以提供信息为主的增值产品发展作为企业战略转型的重要手段。本文以九江电信分公司为应用案例讨论在目前转型环境下九江电信增值业务拓展策略。本文结合地方实际对九江电信增值业务拓展策略进行了深入研究。文章首先从经济形势、市场竞争、业务发展等角度阐述了九江电信企业内外部经营环境,接着立足于九江电信的市场地位,采用SWOT方法对九江电信发展增值业务的市场竞争能力进行研究,根据这些分析进行全面探讨,由此得出整合资源、创造价值、差异化竞争和打造品牌等增值业务拓展策略,在此基础上,探讨了九江电信基于固话、宽带应用两个核心增值业务拓展方案,同时结合本人两年多来MBA学习的体会和在实际工作中总结了增值业务拓展过程中的一些心得,同时对九江电信增值业务发展提出了若干建议。

【Abstract】 With the trend of individulisatinon and mobility of communication and maturity of the technology in Internet and VOIP, telecommunication industry is faced with a tough challenge. fixed phone business which takes up 80% of all is declining constantly. Sustainable development is hard to maintain, so it is necessary to seek new ways of developing. Many telecom operators have chosen value-added products which focus on providing information as an important means of strategic transforming. This paper uses Jiujiang Telecom Corporation as an application case to discuss strategies for developing the corporation’s increment products under current transforming circumstances.This paper focuses on the value-added products development strategy of Jiujiang Telecom. This paper starts from analyzing the external and internal environment in which the company is operating, including macro-economic situation, market competition and technology development. Then the paper analyzes the strength and weakness that the company has as well as opportunities and threats that the company is faced with by applying the SWOT analysis model. Based on these the analysis, the paper presents strategies or developing value-added products such as resources combination, creation of value, diversity competition. Based on that, the paper probes into a program for developing value-added products which centers on fixed phone, broadband , the validation of the application of some value-added products is identifies such as the application of Business Navigator, Best Tone and Sunshine Network of Education. Finally the paper puts forward some advice for developing Jiujiang Telecom Corporation’s value-added products based on personal experiences in MBA learning and practical work.

【关键词】 电信增值业务市场拓展
【Key words】 telecomvalue-added productsmarket development
  • 【分类号】F626
  • 【下载频次】94

