

Research and Practice on a Mechanism of Integrated Information Service Based on Ontology

【作者】 娄双双

【导师】 王柏;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 计算机科学与技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 信息和知识是企业发展的一个非常重要的资源,信息/知识服务的主要功能是保证信息使用者全面、准确、及时、高效的获取和使用信息/知识。对于个人来说,良好的信息/知识服务能够提高信息获取的速度和质量,从而节省时间和提高工作效率;对于企业来说,系统高效的信息/知识管理是现代企业生存和发展的基础,在信息管理之上为企业各层管理者提供高质量的信息/知识服务则是企业提高企业运营效率、保证企业决策质量和增强企业竞争力的重要手段。论文在研究本体技术、元数据技术、以及企业信息集成与信息服务的特点、现状的基础上,结合新的信息服务技术和信息服务发展趋势,提出了一种基于本体的信息融合服务机制。该机制通过建立领域本体和语义元数据来实现分布式异构数据源的集成和融合,实现了企业分布式异构数据环境中的数据位置透明性、结构透明性、和语义透明性,有效的解决了困扰企业信息融合和共享的信息冗余、编码格式不一致、命名歧义等问题。该信息服务机制借助本体概念知识,更加智能、更加准确的理解用户需求,进行信息的智能检索和推送;其中的主动信息服务模式解决了信息泛滥带来的信息获取困难,寻求一种时间或事件敏感的方式,在恰当的时间把恰当的信息推送到恰当的用户面前,更加实时的及时的为用户提供信息服务。论文提出的信息融合服务机制,在数据集成平台之上,基于本体和语义元数据,提供面向语义的信息融合服务,更友好更有效的捕获用户需求,更准确更智能的获取用户所需的信息,为用户提供智能化的主动的信息服务。机制采用Web Service的信息服务技术,使得信息服务系统更加灵活、通用,并增强了系统的可扩展性和可复用性。论文设计了即席查询和主动推送相结合的信息服务模式,充分的考虑了用户各方面的需求,为用户提供全面化智能化的信息服务。机制采用基于本体概念的系统用户交互接口,提供了一种人类和计算机共同理解的信息传递方式,更加有效的捕获用户信息。论文提出的基于本体的主动信息服务机制为用户提供实时的、主动的信息推送服务,解决了信息泛滥问题,节省了用户的时间和精力,也为企业的实时决策支持提供了良好的支持。最后论文结合电信行业客户领域信息整合和信息服务环境,进行了基于本体的信息融合服务机制的实践,设计并实现了电信客户信息融合服务原型系统,结合典型服务用例,验证了机制的可行性。

【Abstract】 Information and knowledge are the most important resources for the development of an enterprise. The main function of information service is to guarantee the efficient obtaining and using of information. A good information service can improve the speed and quality of information retrieval; therefore improve the user’s work efficiency. For enterprise, a systematic and efficient information management is a significant method to improve enterprise operating efficiency, ensure the good business decisions making and increase the competition of the enterprise.Based on the research of Ontology, Metadata technologies and many other information service techniques, a new mechanism of integrated information service based on ontology is put forward by this paper, according to the characters and requirements of modern enterprise information integration and service circumstances. In this mechanism, the integration of distributed Heterogeneous data sources is well implemented by establishing domain ontology model and semantic metadata platform, with which the problem of enterprise information redundancy, data inconsistentness and semantic ambiguity is effectively solved. Various requirements of enterprise information service are discussed in this mechanism; and several service modes are designed to satisfy the users’ need. Especially the active information service is expected to push the right information at the right time to the right person by the right method.Based on the ontology and metadata models, the mechanism of integrated information service introduced in this paper provides semantic oriented integrated information service. By using this mechanism, the users’ requirements can be captured more friendly, more efficiently and also more intelligent. Moreover, it can offer intellectualized and active information service. The Web Service information service technology is used in this mechanism, which makes the information service system more flexible and general and improves the expansibility and reusability of the system. A new information service mode combining ad hoc queries with active push is designed in this project, which can provide completely intelligent information service. The system user interface is based on Ontology concept, which can be understood by both human and computers. By this method, the computer system can well understand users’ needs, and therefore capture the user information more efficiently and correctly. On the whole, the mechanism put forward by this paper, which provides a real-time and active information push service, solves the problem of the overflow of the information, saves the time of the users and supports the enterprise during the real time decision-making.At last, a practice of the ontology based integrated information service mechanism has been carried out in customer information integration of telecom industry. The telecom customer integrated information service prototype system is designed and implemented.

  • 【分类号】F626;TP18
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】302

