

Governance of the Network Society

【作者】 李啸英

【导师】 李钢;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 行政管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 网络的出现和迅速发展使人类开始进入真正的数字化时代,网络与人们的生活日益休戚相关,网络社会也由此形成。以网络技术为支撑的网络社会具有开放、虚拟、自由的特征,这些特性的存在给传统的价值观念、伦理规范、法律制度和政府治理都带来了严峻的挑战:传统价值观念被质疑甚至被摒弃,已有的伦理道德准则被弱化,法律的滞后性凸现,政府在网络治理方面的越位、错位、缺位现象频发。网络社会的巨大价值和失序危机使人们陷入二难选择。鉴于网络社会的现实需要和政府在社会治理中的独特地位,网络社会的政府治理问题显得急迫而具有特殊意义。完全管死或控制互联网,显然有悖常理和逻辑,它只能让我们离现代文明和社会进步越来越远。然而,舍此径又有何他途?本文从政府功能和网络社会的特性两方面论证了对网络社会进行治理的必要性、可能性和现实性,并提出了具体的治理的路径,进而又以网络社会的本质为基点,运用博弈理论探寻网络社会主体的行为规律,在此基础上,揭示网络社会运行的内在规律,寻求实现网络社会从无序走向和谐的良策。与此同时,柔性管理概念的引入使该项研究的结论更趋于创造性、完整性和可行性。

【Abstract】 With the development of computer network, a society of modern network with different features from the industrial society will come into being. The existing of the features of the network society gives many challenges on traditional moral standards、legal institutions、fundamental of ethics and governance. The value and the crisis of disorder of the network society make the government dilemma. There are many problems emerging on the Internet. The problems affect the network society, even the real society so badly that we have to resolve them at our best. For example, only if traditional moral standards such as obligation, equality and harmony were weighted against this background, theory of immorality and contradiction would inevitably occur. But how to do that well is very difficult because the network society is so different from the realistic society that many traditional means that used to make the society orderly hardly work in the network society. So the research on the governance of the network society is important especially. The thesis discusses the essence of the network society and its law by game theory, and finds out the self-organizing character of the network society. In accordance with the evolutionary process of governance environment, the characters such as digitalizatio、virtuality, and the self-organization, the thesis makes a conclusion that the flexible management is inevitable choice of breaking away from the puzzledom.

  • 【分类号】D630
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】1086

